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~~~~ Testimonies for Christ ~~~~

If you would like to add your testimony to this page,
please feel free to e-mail it to me and I will post it for you.

~~~~ My Testimony ~~~~

I was baptized at around the age of 16, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior. The only problem was that I accepted all this in my head, not my heart. My church at the time never found out ahead of time, they just asked anyone who wanted to be baptized to come forward. I said yes to their questions and that was it, I was "saved". I did alot of wrong things without even thinking about it, because I was "saved" so it didn't matter what I did. Boy is that ever wrong. Not until the first of 2000 did I truly start living my life for Christ, and oh what a change!!! I thank God for putting people into my life who showed me the difference! I pray so much more and with faith that God will answer those prayers in His way and His time. God has shown me the areas of my life that needed an immediate change and those that need to be worked on constantly. I am a very different person now. I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and try to always put Him first in everything I do and say. I am by no means perfect, I have plenty to work on as any christian will admit freely to others! I don't think I am better than anyone, including the unsaved. I am just redeemed and thank God every day for His son Jesus Christ who came to earth and lived as a man, was crucified for his teachings, who died so that we may be forgiven of our sins, was resurrected and now sits on His throne in heaven and will return for His church someday soon! Hallelujah!! What love!
Do you know anyone else who loves you so much? I sure don't!

~~ Amie's Testimony ~~

I grew up in a christian family, so I always knew and believed in God. But i didn't have a personal relationship with Him until I was 15. That was because something happened in my family that opened my eyes for who God is and wants to be for me.

In the summer of '94 I went to Recklinghausen Germany for a teen conference. I was singing in a teen choir and we were on stage a lot singing. My dad who is a family doctor, worked at the first aid post,so my parents and youngest bro and sis were there too. On the last day something terrible happened. I was at the closing service at that time. My parents and bro and sis were at the campsite. My youngest bro was just 13 months old.
A car drove backwards and didn't see him and he came under the wheel. She drove over his back. Everyone around started screaming, she didn't know what was going on and she drove forwards, standing still on my bro's head:( My dad pushed the car off him, picked him up and started running to the first aid post. He could see in his pupils that he was dying. Then my bro didn't make a sound anymore. They jumped in a car anyway and hurried to the hospital. A colleague of my dad alarmed the meeting and then 3000 teens kneeled and prayed for 15 minutes for my brother! When I think of it now it is awesome to have seen that. When I was told what happened, my heart just broke and my life collapsed :'( There was a woman, head of the intercession team, who took care of me and comforted me. She told me to believe and not give up on him. Meanwhile in the car my parents were also praying for my bro. Then suddenly my bro started to cry softly! They got to the hospital and there they did all sorts of scans and test, but they couldn't find anything! There were NO serious injurie's, only some bruises. His head was ok, no brain damage......and there had been a car wheel on it! God really did a miracle there, he resurrected my brother and healed him completely! Praise God!

My dad came to pick me and my sis up to go see our brother in the hospital. They wanted him to stay there for the night, just to be sure. They couldn't believe that a 13 month old baby had survived a car accident like that. The sight of my bro in the hospital is something i can still picture. He was just laying there in my moms arms, still in a shock I think cause of what happened. Afraid to move. But I also remember the way his eyes where shining.... You could see the light of the Holy Spirit shine through his eyes. It was amazing!

This experience wasn't easy for me. I didn't want to know the details about the accident for a year and walked away everytime my parents would talk about it with someone. My brother recovered really quick. He was out of the hospital the next day. The only problem a week later was that he still wasn't walking. He could before the accident, but somehow his feet wouldn't carry the weight, or he was too scared... we didn't know and he was to young to tell. Again my dad prayed for hour later my brother was running around again! PTL!

A week after the accident i gave my life to God. He showed me His power and I had no other choice then to surrender to him. I got baptised a few months later. I had blocked out all the feelings about the accident, I didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't talk with my parents anyway they had their own healing process. They saw their child get run over right in front of their eyes... But bit by bit i learned about the details of the accident, the wheel on his head etc... A year after the accident God started the healing process in me. I found some good friends to talk with and opened up more to God and receiving emotional healing. I asked Him all the questions I had. Why did it happen to my bro, what had he done to deserve that and stuff. God didn't give me all the answers, but he gave me rest about it. He used my brother to show all those teens his power. I learned that before the conference started, God showed one of the intercessors to pray against the spirit of death... Satan had plans, but God destroyed them!

I learned that God wants a personal relationship with me, that just knowing he exists is not enough. He is a God that is alive and working in our midst. He still does the same miracles described in the bible, even resurrecting people from the dead!

Now, almost 7 yrs later peter, my bro is doing great. He has a little scar on his back as a remembrance of the accident. He is very special to me and we are really close. I am getting more and more closer to God and getting to know Him better every day. I can't and won't live without Him anymore!

~~ Andrea's Testimony ~~

Hi, my name is Andrea, I am 35, married for 11 years. We have 3 beautiful daughters - Sarah 10; Hannah 4; Rebekah 2. In addition to my full time job as mom and wife, I work two days a week for an agency serving developmentally delayed/mentally retarded people. My job is to find and supervise employees to work in private homes with people so they do not have to live in group homes.

I was raised a Catholic and believed about Jesus but for some reason, never understood that I had to accept the free gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus. In high school and college I started drinking and doing some drugs, nothing too major, but there is a life style that goes a long with that.In college I continued this life style. I was not a virgin and thought that I wasnt that bad cuz I didnt necessarily sleep around - but I often convinced myself I was "in love" and that therefore it was ok. The drinking and doing drugs expanded to a certain extent in college -I praise the Lord that I was never addicted to alcohol or drugs.

I got my degree in Radio & Television production and got a "great" job at a major record label in video production and promtotion - a dream come true!! Well, despite the fact that I was the envy of my family and friends, I was increasingly unhappy. There were drugs right in the office,sometimes disguisedin cookies or brownies and sometimes not. Also, there were people using sex to get ahead and people you thought were friends would backstab you in a heartbeat if it would make them look good in the slightest way. I, very naive at the time, thought I could get ahead by my talent, creativity and dedication! yeah - uh-huh! lol

At this time I was living in queens with my roomate from college. I was searching - I even bought some books on how to get happiness from those that frequently walk around neighborhoods and knock on doors(I think you know who I am referring to). Well my roomate's brother, who visited us from time to time, came over and - I forget the actual reason why - but he whipped a little Bible out of his back pocket and quoted from it! I was astounded!! When he left I said to my roomate (and best friend),"I didn't know your brother was a Born Again Christian - he is so normal, - I thought Born Again Christians were those freaks on the street corner shouting REPENT SINNER" Well, he mailed me a Bible and some other books on Christianity and I started reading. Next time he came over I had a ton of questions which he patiently answered for me.

This went on for a number of weeks and finally, on June 3,1990 I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior! That night, my roomate's brother and I went on a date! Less than a year later we were married. Of course over the years the Lord has done wonderful things in my life despite the fact that I am a strong willed, independent child! I praise the Lord that he hasn't stopped working on me even though he must get frustrated with my desire to do my own will. I so identify with Paul where he talks in Romans 7 about wanting to do good, not doing the good he wants to do and instead doing things he knows are not pleasing to God. Prasie the Lord he doesn't frustrate as easily as I do!

Thank you Lord for saving me from my sins and giving me new life in you! Lord, I ask you to help me to do your will, help me to want to do your will instead of my will! Lord I know your will is perfect and I thank you and praise you for your perfect will!
I pray in the matchless name of Jesus! Amen

~~ Rosana's Testimony ~~

I was born in a spiritualist home. My parents had 4 kids. I’m the third and the only girl. My father was a succesful architect. We had everything we nedeed and dreamed: the best and the most expensive toys at Christmas, the best private school in Rio, a big apartment in a beautiful place. But we were not a happy family.
I grew up watching my parent’s quarrels, it used to happen almost every day. When it did, I usually used to go under my bed just to be hidden. My mother was and still is a very weak woman, I mean, psychologically. So she was always nervous, sad and had to take medicine to stay calm.
I feared my father. When he returned home from his job,I started to tremble by hearing the front door opening, cause I knew another fight could happen. In fact, although I knew he loved me and my brothers, I didn’t have a normal relationship with him, just because I was always scared, waiting for the worst. The good memories of my childhood come from my school life, not from home.
Daddy got a heart disease when he was 40. By that time, he got a lover and the fights got stronger. Six years later, he lied to us telling us he had to go to a southern state of Brazil ( Santa Catarina ). It was supposed to be a business trip. But, instead, he went to a hospital in Rio to be submitted to a heart surgery. He didn´t leave the hospital. He died during the surgery. His heart was weak and did not resist. It happened on May, the 6th, 1971, at 6:00 pm. I was 13.
Almost midnight, some of Dad’s relatives who knew the truth went home to tell us what had happened. I think I do not need to tell how tough it was. We just could not understand how could he be dead if he was travelling!!!! It really shocked me to be in that hospital in the middle of the night watching my mom crying and fainting, my older brothers ( 17 and 15) crying and my youngest, who was only 10 years old completely scared.
Our lives changed a lot. Mom had to look for a job and started to attend classes to be a nurse helper. There was a nursery school in front of our house and there mom got a friend who was a sister from the Assembly of God. She sometimes had coffee with mom after class. One night I was around and I heard her saying to mom – Aida, I will pray for you and your family.
My friends, God has His ways and the right time for His purpose. Six months later I met my husband. After almost four years, we were about to get married and that’s when many of his family gave their lives to Jesus. I did not like it, because I believed in the spiritualist concepts and they became to preach to me. Although I believe in God, it was ridiculous to me the idea of Hell, Heaven, devil, etc. I got married, had a baby and life continued. I did not like to be with the “believers”. They kept telling me I should give my life to Jesus and that my mom was serving the devil.
One day, one of my sisters-in-law, Naide, was praying for me and my husband’s salvation, when suddenly she felt something different. She said she felt the presence of God in a way she had never before. She could feel herself out of the floor. That was when it came, a voice of man from her heart who said – Give them a Bible, give them a Bible. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! I cry every time I remember this.
She did so. I put the Bible into my drawer. Nothing seemed to have happened. Time passed again. I was 19. One afternoon, while I ironed some clothes I started to talk To God. I said: God, this can drive anyone crazy. Why is there so many religions? I do not believe all of them lead us to You, because some of them are just the opposite. They are so different. I feel confused, but I want to know how to get to You. If the way I learned from my parents is right, I don’t have to be worried. But, if the Bible is right, and so are the “believers”, I am in danger. I need to know. God, if you show me Your way, I will walk in it. But I will not believe in anyone. Tell me Yourself."
My thoughts began to change. I start to consider that the Bible could be Gods Word, and began to read it. Then it happened. Because of an injury in my right eye, I had to spend the day when it occurred in Naide’s house. During the afternoon, I myself asked her to tell me how she became a Christian. She told me about the wonderful plan of salvation. It was so beautiful and I did want it to be true. When I arrived home I asked God one more proof. The doctor said my eye would take, at least, a week to get better. I had a bandage on it. So I asked him to heal it during the night. When I woke up the day after, I removed the bandage and my eye was healed, completely healed. Then I took that Bible Naide gave me, walked to the bathroom, the only place I would be really alone, fell on my Knees and asked God to accept me as His daughter, ask Him to forgive my sins, and invite Jesus to be my personal Savior and the Lord of my life forever.
It has passed 25 years since then. God never failed, never arrived late, never let me down.
I hope this can bless you. I know it was too long. But it is the story of my new born. It happened on June, the 16th, 1977.
God answer that sister’s prayer and she knew that. Good evening precious brothers and sister. Thanks for your attention..

~ The Testimony of Flyboy Ritz!!! ~

I just thought I'd share with you details of my Testimony, in a condensed version, the Readers Digest version as it were:
I am a 32 year old, married male, no kid's yet, but 2 kitty cat's, and you better believe they count...LOL.
I have been married 5 going on 6 years (16 March 1996)

Like I mentioned to others on this and other MBs, I was brought up in a born again christian household and all my life. At 18 I began searching for what my friends seemed to have and so I left the comfort of my church life. And found new friends who were on the verge of HELL and intent on taking me with them. They introduced me to drugs, and alcohol and spiritually denigrating activities that drew me away from God.

And then, one night, GOD interceded in an awesome supernatural way...I was in this nightclub when I heard the STEREOPHONIC STILL SMALL VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAK TO ME.
He said "If you do not leave here now you will surely die, but if you go from here I will restore your future and give you back your DESTINY". I ran so far out of the club that nite there was smoke on my heels!!!

I picked up my Bible for the first time that in my life that nite and read passages on Paul who was transformed on Damascus Road, which didn't make a lot of sense to me at that time.
It just happened that the next day was Sunday I bolted out of bed and tried my best to find a good church.
I remembered that a friend at the Drama School I was attending was a Christian, and that he was pretty close to where I lived and I made my way that morning to his house to get a ride...and lo and behold he wasn't home.
I waited for an hour or so before I issued God a challenge, "God if you want this to happen you will have to make it happen".
I stood up and was about to leave when Vaughan pulled in to the driveway, we had lunch together as I explained the events of the previous night. And then I went to Church with him at night...It was the most uncomfortable experience.
The guest speaker shared his testimony about losing his way in his youth, becoming involved in drugs and booze and all manner of sinful stuff. And I was freaked...This dude was telling me my life, my heart was beating outta my chest and I wanted to leave.
Then after his message he started to prophesy to members of the church he was getting closer and closer to me but I was stuck in my seat. I so so wanted to leave, he stopped in the aisle 2 seats short of me and prophesied over some lady and turned to go back...I thought, "Pheww, that was close!!!"

He spun on his heels and locked me into his sites and said, "Last night you were given a second chance to renew your future, If you follow GOD and never turn back you will restore your Destiny in Christ"

Ten years later I have helped to establish and plant our church with our Senior Pastor and others in New Zealands largest city Auckland. My wife and I started the childrens church ministry and handed it over to another couple in our church and they are doing really well there with it. And the church is called DESTINY CHURCH NZ


Please feel free to visit the website.
In the last 3 years (We have been going only 3 years) we have amassed a strong committed membership of 500+ members and strong childrens ministry (Destiny Kids) and youth ministry.
We have a national TV show called "Destiny TV", which screens, on Channel 2 at 6:30am weekdays (Monday to Friday)

Well that'll do for now...hope that this testimony inspires you to believe that GOD is a supernatural GOD and his love knows no bounds.

I stand here also as a testimony to a praying mother, and a strong father, who is my HERO. Parents who have left me a legacy to continue to the next generation, and whom I will see again some day.


~~ Kristi's Testimony ~~
Yes, I am a Christian.... and I am proud of it.
I love my Lord, and I love serving my Lord.
When did I become a Christian? That's a hard question.
I was baptized for the first time at the young age of 16. I did not know what I was doing. I did not take my decision to heart.I did not ask Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. I did not know that I was a sinner destined for hell. I did not change my ways and I wandered far from my precious Lord for many years.
In October of 2000, my life was falling apart. I was a miserable wreck.I had no direction. I had no peace. What I did have was a marriage that had fallen apart at the seams.There was no love, no trust, no peace, and no commitment. Neither of us cared anymore if we did save what was left. With nothing left, I moved out with my daughter into our own apartment. I tried seeking help from the "professionals" but nothing helped. Then one fateful day, my husband and I rented a movie called "Left Behind-the movie" and "Revelation". We rented these movies because they were filmed in Niagara Falls, where we were married.....little did I know that my life would change that night after watching them. Little did I know I would find what was missing from my life that night.
We watched the movies together.First we watched Left Behind-the movie. It is a powerful movie...I would suggest that anyone who has not seen it to rent it or buy it today. Then we watched Revelation. After the movies, my husband left. I watched the movies again, alone. The tears flowed. My heart was opening for the first time in my life. I was scared. I wanted to know more. I needed to know if it was true. So I began searching in the only place I had access to:the tv.
And who was on? Jack VanImpe! I had just seen glimpses of him in the movie Revelation. Then I knew that it was true! I was suddenly aware why my life had been so far off track and nothing was going right. I was living without Christ in my heart. I had never asked Him to come into my life and be my Savior.
That night, I went to bed and cried. There in the darkness of my room alone, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I confessed my sins, and there were many. I asked for forgiveness.
The peace that filled my heart was like none that I could explain. For the first time in my life, I had hope. For the first time in my life, I had love. For the first time in my life, I had direction. I owe this all to Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior.
Shortly after that night, I was led to a church, where for the first time in life, I felt as if I belonged. I was baptized with my daughter shortly there after. With God in my life, it was now time for me to begin to live for Him.
It was not an easy task for me. I did not know where to begin, how to begin, or what to trust. I didn't even own a bible. The only thing I had was my movies and the religious channels on television. Not much, but a good start. I became so thirsty for the word of God that I prayed for hours each day. I searched high and low for other means of finding God's word. Then my husband gave me his grandmothers bible that she had used before she went home to be with the Lord. I now had the food for my hunger, and the only nourishment that I sought. (If you do not have a bible, I would suggest that you find a dollar store and purchase one! God's word is powerful and as you dive into it, you will find it filled with words just for you and what you are going through.)
God changed me! Drastically too! I no longer lived for me. I lived for Him. He provided for me. He walked with me and talked with me. He sang in the car with me. He listened while I cried and then wiped my tears. He filled my life and my heart with the love only a Father, Lord, Creator could do. I stood strong under the attacks of Satan in my life and in my marriage. Satan did and does attack those that are close to God, but those same ones also know that the Lord will give you strength. He will provide and protect. I was in church every time the doors were open.I was in God's word all the time. My bible was beside me at all times. I prayed myself to sleep each night and awoke with a prayer. I prayed constantly. God blessed me and started showing me that it is through my strength in Him that my husband would be changed.And the stronger I stood in the Lord, the closer my husband and I came again. Our marriage that just a few months before had been considered hopeless was filled with hope and love. And as my husband began to walk closer to God, the closer we became. Together we would pray, praise, and worship our Lord. And in return, the Lord blessed our marriage.
Many of the things that had once gone neglected or were faltering were brought back to life. We were in love with each other for the first time all over again. God blessed us too. As we began praying as a family, God filled our home with love and comfort. As I spent every morning and evening talking to God in our garden, God blessed our garden. Now this may not sound like much, but every garden around us has died!God gave us hoses on sale, a well instead of city water(in the township this is very rare!), and allowed us to water when it wouldn't rain! God touched our garden so much that we have taken plenty into the church to share with those whose garden did not survive the summers drought!
And God doesn't stop there! He has blessed us in so many ways that I could never begin to tell you of them all. It is so amazing the love that God has for each and every one of us. And the only thing He asks of us is to believe in what He did for us by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we can spend an eternity with God! And yes, it is that simple! I have had heartaches and trials since the beginning of my walk. I am after all, only human. I have fallen to the flesh and sinned. But my Father in Heaven forgives me of them for asking Him. The trials are God's way of helping us to grow in Him. He wants us to seek Him daily. He wants us to know first hand the power and glory of God. And He wants us to love Him. Trials are His way of helping us to grow closer to Him. What I have seen is that if in the face of a trial, we praise and worship God, He will deliver us from that trial. He has already made us victorious over Satan and sin. We only need to remember that in times of trouble. As Joyce Meyers once said so greatly: "Without the tests, we would only have moanings. That is why we have testimonies!"
And I tell you, God is making my life a great testimony. I am grateful for that to Him. God has saved my life from despair and heartache. He actually pulled me out of the pits of Hell. And if He would do this for someone as miserable as I once was, He can and will do this for you too! You only have to have faith in Him the size of a mustard seed! Another blessing God has given me was a friend named Mia. She has been such an inspiration and a blessing. She shared with me the book "Jesus Freaks" with the understanding that once I read it, I was to sign it and pass it on. I tried telling her that I didn't read much other than my bible. The postal service tried to deter the book too by loosing it twice. But Mia pressed on. And I got the book. For someone who said they didn't read much, I finished it in six hours! It has touched my heart and my soul. I have started following Mia's example and have handed out many books the same way. I have come to a new realization that my faith was a true gift from God. So many are faced with death and persecution for believing in God and Jesus Christ. But God comforts them and provides for them. If you have not read the book, I would suggest it now! The book and the stories in it are so inspiring and show the power and love of God through those who have died or suffered for Him. If you need help finding this book, please email me. You can find it in WalMart, your local Christian Book Store, or on line
That was 2001.
This is 2002!
And Yes! God is still working in my life! Reading through my first year as a Christian, my heart is so glad that I made that choice! Since then, I have begun to grow so rapidly spiritually in the Lord that it amazes me! I am not just a baby in God's eyes anymore. I have been put through the fire and come out on the other end safely and stronger.
I have seen so many miracles in the end of 2001 and the start of 2002 that just amaze me! I have seen my daughter break her ankle in two places and the power of prayer totally heal it in only two days! Yes, you read that right! I seen the x-rays on the night she broke it. It was broken. However, two days later, one doctor stated that it was not broke. A second doctor later confirmed this! What a miracle!My marriage fell to satan again. The harder we walked with God, the harder the attacks by satan became and my marriage became a casualty. At Christmas time, once again we split apart. But this time though, God has truly given me the strength and the courage to make it. He has taught me some major lessons in life through this. I began growing spiritually like even I have a hard time believing. Jesus is the Lord and Master of my house. He is the head of my house now and I love Him with all of my heart. I know that when I began to spend more and more time in God's word, He began to work on me. God is working on me still. He is fixing the problems in me to make me into something beautiful. Through Him I know that I will make it. With Him I know that I will be victorious! Through Him, and only Him, I am alive! And with Him, I am beginning to grow.
I do not know the plans that God has for my marriage right now. I know that there is a lot of healing and growing that needs to be done by us both if it is ever to be a marriage. What is the greatest is that I know I do not have to fear the future no matter what. I am safe in the arms of Jesus. And I have God's promises to remind me of that daily.
Since the beginning of the year, I began a task that I never thought I would undertake. I began reading the bible: cover to cover. I am not doing the "Read the bible in a year" program. I am reading the bible with a hungry heart, from start to finish. Things that once baffled me or lost me in reading it have become clear. I am doing devotions, really studying God's word and applying it to my life now. Prayer is not just something that I do in times of trouble. I talk to God through out the day, and He is always there. I am growing in His word. I am growing in His love. I still have a long way to go, and I know that I will never be perfect until I enter into heaven to spend eternity with Jesus, but I know that I have the love, guidance, and protection of Jesus with me every day! He shows me that He loves me every day in so many ways.
And with that growth came a hunger for something more in my life. I started out in a church that taught from the bible. It was a wonderful church as far as hearing God's word goes. I learned so much there. But I began feeling like something was missing. I needed more. I needed to get involved in some sort of ministry or work for the Lord. Daily bible readings, devotions, and prayer weren't enough. I needed a place where I could be active and stretch and grow spiritually. I found that place! My heart rejoices! I praise God for what He has done in my life. Without Jesus, I am nothing.
God is once again working on my marriage. It is a rough struggle, but with faith, prayer, and Jesus, it can be done. We are trying very hard to reconcile our marriage and all of our differences and blend our families again. There are a lot of big issues that need working on, but Jesus is faithful and God has promised to complete every good work He has started in each and everyone of us.
As you see, God does still work miracles in today's world. He is still alive and lives today! He is the beginning and the ending. He is the one and ONLY living God. To Him only you should bow your knee and worship. The day will come when every knee will bow and every person will call His name and confess Him as Lord. For some though, it will be too late to enter into the gates of heaven.
Please, do not let another day go by without asking Jesus into your heart. Once you die, it is too late! Make sure that you have your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Mine is there! Yours can be too! Make no mistake, Jesus Christ is the one and only way to heaven. You must accept Him into your heart.
"For I am waiting at the door, should you open the door and ask Me in, I will come." It is that simple. Never again after the Lord returns will it be. Don't wait. Our futures are not guaranteed....we never know when our time on earth will end. Once you die, it is too late. There are no second chances after death. And make no mistake either, no good deeds will get you into heaven alone.
Jesus Christ is the Only way!If you are reading this without Jesus in your heart, please contact me. I will tell you of the amazing love that awaits you in your Father's arms.
Remember, God Loves You!

The words to the song "Amazing Grace" have touched many souls. It is the favorite of many. To me, this song brings both tears and peace every time I hear it. Please take a moment and read the words that a slave trader wrote when he seen the errors in his ways and came to Christ:

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

When we've been there 10,000 years
Bright, shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's grace
Then when we first begun

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
was blind, but now I see.

Amazing Grace

A powerful song with a powerful message. It moves my soul and I pray that if I should die before the Lord returns that this song is played at my funeral. I hope there isn't a dry eye in the chapel when it plays. I pray that the tears are not of sorrow but of joy. And that they are not for me being gone, but for the promise that we will be together again in heaven with our Father for all eternity.

~~~~~Michelle's Testimony~~~~~~

I grew up in church, taking that walk down the aisle and getting baptized at the age of 12. However, I realize now that it was a "head thing", and NOT from my heart. That was apparent in the way I lived my life for the next 18 years. I made every mistake there was to be made; God, to me, was this senile, sweet, old uncle who, I was taught, loved me and was there for me, but it was ALL head knowledge and NO heart knowledge. God was someone that you went to ONLY when there was a "catastrophe", but only as a sounding board, He wouldn't really DO anything, so it was up to ME to take care of things (so I believed). Therefore, I called myself a "christian", though lived my life tasting ALL the world had to offer. I was STEEPED in sins of PRIDE, and rebellion. I know now that God had His hand on me the whole time. He had been working on me for YEARS, but I was one of the unfortunate ones who had to hit rock bottom before I, TRULY and with all my heart, turned to Him. It was in November of 2000. I had been attending a Spirit-filled church for the last six months or so with my husband and in-laws, and was learning a GREAT deal, changing EVER so slowly, but I know NOW that I was still living in pride and idolatry; I loved my husband more than life itself, but of course, didn't know how to SHOW that love. One morning, in late October 2000, he left our home, fed up with my pride, contention and selfishness. For two weeks I let him "stew", never believing he would NOT come back. However, when he finally told me it was over, I felt like I would die from the pain. When there was NO ONE ELSE to turn to, and God had removed everyone and everything that meant ANYTHING to me, I hit my knees, FINALLY realizing that GOD, my father, my healer, my creator, was the ONLY ONE who could save me. And I hungered terribly for a TRUE relationship with Him. It's been almost two years since that fateful night, and I can truly say that God is the ONLY ONE who has stood by me through it all; the separation and the divorce, getting a better job, paying the bills each month and carrying me, day by day, in peace, joy and strength as I push forward, living ONLY for Him. Finally. It has not been easy, but I can truly say that my worst day with Christ in my life, is a far cry better than my best day without Him. Sometimes we have to lose it all, before we realize what we need, and what truly FULFILLS us, the most. Hallelujah!

~~~~~ Chris' Testimony~~~~~

My life began in 31st of October 1984. I was born into a loving christian family and attended sunday school till I was about 13 and was made to go to chruch till the age of 15. I attended christian schools throughout my schooling life. At about the age of 9, I was diagnosed with an irratable bowel condition known as Chrones disease, and later when I was 13 I had my large bowel removed. During my hospital visits with half of my bowel removed I was unconscious for 7 days, at this time my family was quite worried and later was told that all of the christian schools around Australia had received a memo to pray for a very sick boy in hospital. Well after that I did wake up and woke up and recovered faster than any doctor could have imagined. After recovering I continuted to go to school and chrurch with my health remaing steady. After completing school, when i was 16, I started working at 17 and my health was playing up and was very inconsistent. I left home at the age of 18 with a friend. This friend was not saved and didn't believe and had quite an influence on my life at that stage. I stopped going to church and thought God would understand I was 2 busy. I got involved with alot I am ashamed of when I look back. My health deteriorated and I was forced to leave my job and move back home in the middle of 2003, with my health still unsettled. At the end of 2003 I went on holidays and felt better the first day of my holidays than I had for the previous two years. As I look back at the time between I left school and the end of last year, I tried to do so many things myself and of my own strength. I wanted to know why God didnt listen between that 2 yr period, the answer was, I was not listening to God in that time. And since the end of 2003 by Gods everlasting and unchanging grace my health has been stable and I have been well enough to return to work. I also came to a understanding of how important it is to fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. So I encourage you never to lose sight of the sacrifice that was made by our Lord and saviour Christ Jesus for He is so precious and special to us all. And that we serve an everlasting God who does listen to our prayers no matter how big or small it might be to us He hears and if it is in His will it will happen. God Bless, may the peace, love and joy that can only come from Jesus be with you now and always Your brother in Christ, Chris

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