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Resume of R.Rajkumar - Software Development Engineer    
2/26, 3rd Cross, Muni Reddy Block, Maruthi Nagar, Madiwala, Bangalore - 68.
Hand Phone Number : 91-9845991828
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· Over 5 years of professional experience in IT industry.

· I have extensive experience in design, development, debugging and testing.

· Excellent knowledge in ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, PHP, XML/XSL, COM/DCOM and Flash MX.

· Excellent communication skills, and a highly motivated team player.



Operating System : Windows 9X/NT/2K/XP/ME, MS-DOS
Web Servers : MS IIS (Internet Information Server) and Apache Tomcat
Languages: : VB, C#, Java, Java Script, VB Script, HTML /DHTML, XML, WML, CFML
RDBMS: : MS SQL Server, MS-Access
GUI Tools: : Visual, Coldfusion Studio, Dream Weaver 2004, Flash MX
Technologies: : ASP.NET, ADO.NET, ASP, Coldfusion, PHP, COM/DCOM, and Active X


Client: Inc. (with Sabre)

This is an on-line portal. This site is provide all travel needs including, on-line Air tickets booking, on-line hotel and car booking and travel insurance. This includes published and non-published fares. This site has the bid your fare facility for customers. This site also provides, travel info., on-line travel news updates and currency converter.
The full portal has been developed using VB.NET with XML/XSL design.
Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Design, Analysis, Development & Testing (Airline-booking and car booking).
Environment:VB.NET, ASP.NET, DHTML, XML/XSL, SQL Server 2000 and Windows
Client: Inc.
Project:Project Tracking System

PTS helps to track the Status of project schedules, time estimation, Tracks the hours spent for Contractors for each project, Time Sheet management & Approval by manager etc.
The Application was developed using .NET technology (ASP.NET, C#). Some of the features of .Net used were Server side Controls, event driven code, Debugging features, just in time compilation, Caching Services for better performance, .Net frame work class library, built user Interface that separated Application Logic from Presentation code & handled events as in VB, used C# for developing Used Object oriented features(OOP).
Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Design, Analysis, Development & Testing of Project Tracking System Application.
Environment:C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2000 and Windows
Client: Inc.

This is an intranet employee portal. This site contains, corporate info., HR module, work flow and training module.
  • Corporate info. : This provides the information on strategy, revenue streams, off-line services, value added services, suppliers and revenue model of the company.
  • HR : This contains, daily attendance, corporate policies, task management and administration controls.
  • Work flow :This provides the work flow to the operations, customer support, sales, marketing, accounts and technology teams. The other features are internal chat, discussion forum, message board and meeting call for each and every employee.
  • Training : This provides training of the latest developments on technology and travel GDS.
  • Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Design, Analysis, Development & Testing. (Administrator, operations and technology modules)
    Environment:ASP, Java Script, DHTML/HTML, SQL Server 2000 and Windows
    Client: Inc. (with Worldspan)

    This is an on-line portal (now is on-line). This site is provide all travel needs including, on-line Air tickets booking, on-line hotel and car booking and travel insurance. This includes published and non-published fares. This site has the bid your fare facility for customers. This site also provides, travel info., on-line travel news updates and currency converter.
    The full portal has been developed using ASP, VB with DHTML/HTML design.
    Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Design, Analysis, Development & Testing. (Travel insurance, car booking and travel news)
    Environment:ASP, DHTML, PHP, HTML, SQL Server 2000 and Windows 2000.
    Client: Cerulean Infotech.
    Project:Bug tracking System

    This software is used for bug fixing and bug tracking for any kind of project. It contains administrator module and user module. This software is developed as COM and Active X controls and integrated with VB interface. The user interface has been developed using Flash MX.
    Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Module Design and development.
    Environment: VB 6.0, MS SQL Server, Flash MX and Windows NT.
    Client: Cerulean Infotech.
    Project:Time sheet Management

    This is an intranet portal for the time management purpose. Administrator can able to maintain the time sheet for each employee. The time sheet has the ability to maintain holidays and leaves taken by the employee.
    Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for developing (Designing Database, Coding, Testing, Debugging and Documentation).
    Environment: ASP, DHTML/HTML, MS SQL Server and Windows NT.
    Client: Telesilikon, Germany.
    Project: Telesilikon Automation System

    The main objective of this project is to automate the office work. Using this Automation System any employee can create an activity for his/her sub ordinates and the sub ordinates, wherever they may be located in the World can immediately view the same.
    Responsibilities: As a team member, I was responsible for Module Design (Travel plan) & development. Developed Graphical Simulation using Applets.
    Environment: ASP, VBScript & JavaScript, VB, Java Applet, DHTML, CSS and Windows NT.

    Client: MDC Infoway Ltd.
    Product: Chatting Software

    This software is developed for the discussion purpose. Now, this software is used for MDC Infoway's intranet service. The JSP server-side technology is the front end of this software. The back end of this software is MS SQL Server.
    Responsibilities:Involved in JSP, Java, HTML and Java Scripts Coding.
    Environment:JSP, Java, HTML, Java Script, MS SQL Server.

    Client: MDC Infoway Ltd.
    Project: Insurance Management System

    This software is primarily for Insurance Market where web-centric management is introduced. Every sales executive will have a laptop that will be on the field and the software, which is installed there, will facilitate the executive to offer information about the customer details. The software will gather all the relevant information from the customer and then will provide a detailed report on which policy will be beneficial and other associated details. After confirming the order it can be populated directly to the central server.
    Responsibilities:Involved in Java Servlets, XML and Java Scripts Coding.
    Environment:Java Servlets, Java, XML, HTML, Java Script, MS SQL Server.

    Client: MDC Infoway Ltd.

    This is an internet site which connects the various branches of MDC futura center and provides for data sharing and centralized administration, this also provides for communication between the employees of the different branches and between employees and management, provision is also provided for the professionals to post their feedback to the facilitators and the management.
    Responsibilities:Involved in Coding, Testing, debugging with client-side validations.
    Environment: ASP, HTML, JavaScript, MS SQL Server 7.0 and Windows NT.

    Client: MDC Infoway Ltd.

    This is a website which gives the full information about MDC Infoway Limited. This site also gives the general information about our MDC futura (training division), MDC corporate training group and MDC SSG (Software Solution Group).
    Responsibilities: Involved in Coding, Testing, debugging with client-side validations.
    Environment: ASP, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, MS SQL Server and Windows NT.

    Project: Design of Tamil Programming Language -Using VB

    This Software is a Programming Language like BASIC, C...
      This Software consists three modules.
      They are,
        1.TPL Editor: TPL Editor is nothing but an Editor that uses to create, open, save, print, edit - cut, copy, paste, find and replace, view help and run our TPL files (with extension .tpl).
        2.TPL Interpreter: TPL Interpreter is an Interpreter that uses to execute our TPL files (with extension .tpl). If we open or create a file with .tpl extension and click run, then the Interpreter will invoke. After that Interpreter tokenize the file and differentiate the tokens and store it on to particular Tables. Next the tokens interpret and give results to us.
        3.Error Recognizer: Error Recognizer is a part of TPL software can recognize the errors like Syntax Error or Linking Error whatever it is.
    Responsibilities:Involved in designing and VB Coding.
    Environment:VB, Windows.


    B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering
    Bharathidasan University, Trichy, INDIA

    Diploma in Computer Technology
    State board of Tamil Nadu, INDIA