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I AM Describe yourself here. Put lots of interesting stuff. Such as your age, location, loves/hates, that kinda thing. Describe yourself here. Put lots of interesting stuff. Such as your age, location, loves/hates, that kinda thing.

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Good Charlotte- Young and the Hopeless
Atticus - Bruised
Kelly Rowland - Love Lives In Strange Places
New Found Glory - Story So Far
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Pink - Family Portrait
Simple Plan- I'd Do Anything

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k a t e ' s d i a r y

m y d i a r y
k a t i e ' s p a g e
g a b b y ' s p a g e

|| rembering sucks! ||
sunday february 16 @ 8:58 pm

today was a very funky day... i went playin' in the snow wit my bestest friend katie... it was coolio... i couldn't stand very well and i slipped and tripped alot... but oh well! also this morning was freaky too... i think my mama got beat up... not really but i mean hurt... somehow... i dunno... check tha diary... i got it up & running

wit an x and ano this chickas out like whoa!


