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Be A Girl
There are alot of thing in life that cause us to get tired and weak. So this site is filled with ways to recover. The information used have been researched or sent in from girl like you. If you want to tell me about one got to Email Me. I will be putting up an advice collumn later on and ask questions that deal with these issues so they can be posted up and shared. Really good entries will be used for the book I am writing.
There are the following things to enjoy from this site:

Weight Problems
More to come!

All the Smart Girls' site has to offer is on haitus. It'll be off haitus in a couple of days (until Tuesday). Smart Girls' has joined the Juiced forces so we know have changed our name to Juiced Girls (JG). Be sure to come back on Tuesday to enjoy getting juiced.

Strawberry Mask- Mash two strawberrys and spread all over your face. Massage for two minutes and focus on the T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin). Rinse and pat dry. This mask helps remove dead skin.
Yogurt Masks- This will help even out your skin tone. First, spread plain yogurt over your face. Then, leave on for 5 minutes and rinse.
Tomato Mask- Crush a small tomato after peeling it first and spread it over yout face. After 10 minutes of leeting the tomato do it's work of tighting pores, rinse of all of it.
Avocado Face Mask- Mash a teaspoon of an avocado that's soft with 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon juice. After that, massage into face and neck, let dry, then rinse off with cool water.
Blemish Remover Mask- You'll need 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric in the baking aisle at your local market) with water to form a paste. Put it on any blemishes and leave on over night. Rinse off in the morning.

Pimples' blackheads, blemishes, and whatever else that's on your face can really get on your nerves. These cool tips will really help out.

Honey Dabs- Dab a bit of honey on a pimple that is yet not mature. Leave on for ten minutes the rinse the area.
Garlic Juice- Put some garlic juice on a mature pimple for 5 minute. Rinse off.

Aer'nt they the cutest thing you've ever seen?!! Awwwwww! And I bet you never thought they can get so ugly sometimes, huh? Juiced Girl is here to give you advice, heal wounds, give you tips, and let you see what a guy thinks. Sounds cool, right? Well then, come in, come in.

Ok,it allstarts with a crush, then it grows until you practically drool over yourself with just looking at his feet. Don't worry, J.G. is here to the rescue.
So, do you really like him? To find out, do some stuff off what we have posted below and ask yourself the questions. Do some and try to see if he does anything mentioned on the list.

Now once you're done doing them, go back and write down their reactions or answers (yes or no). If you end up with more yes's than no's, you've got yourself a deal. If not, looks like a dream messed with your head. Try not to think you're ugly, fat, dumb, etc,move on to another guy that worth your time. . Keep a positive image of yourselfd even while you're dating.

Tips from Crushers

"Girls-you should try and find a boy that cares for you and wants to have a long-term or sweet relationship. They are the best." Juiced by: Mercedes M., 12

"Blue Weepers-you girls who like to cry, be sure you are the one to dump him. If it so happens, you get dumped, then take it like a woman and show him you can get another man." Juiced by:Mercedes M.,12

"For girls that are shy like me: if you find a guy that is sweet and nice to you, become his friend and see what happens, if you think he likes you, take the chance and ask him out. It's better and less embarissing this way since they'll be more honest and nicer with you."Juiced by:Abbygail Y., 14

"I can't have boyfriends, but I wanted one soooo badly that I snuck one up behind my parents. i would'nt recommend this if you don't want your mom screaming at you in front of the school doors while kids are coming out!"Juiced by: Ja'Nette L.,13

Send in your tips. Click here! Be sure to write in the first e-mail form.