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the kane page

Clothesline Big Show
Kane setting off the pyro on top of Austins coffin
Kane clotheslineing Gangrel
Kane with his foot on fire from the Inferno Match
Kane and his tag team belt
Kane Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Edge
Kane clothslining Edge
Kane setting off the pyro over Kurt Angle
Test pissing Kane off
Stupid...Tomstone time!
Kane getting hit with a chair by Paul Bearer
Clothslining the Big Show
powerslaming X-pac
Chokeslaming HHH
Prepare for the chokeslam
a black and white chokeslam on Taker
Chokeslam on Vader at No Way Out '98
Chairshot to Big Show
2 Words
Kane Throwing the Hardy Boyz (old one isn't it?)
X-pac...Your Next
chokeslam on Tori
Tombstone on Tori
Kane Chokeslaming Taker into the casket
Kane lighting Takers casket on fire
The 2 Faces of Kane
Hell, Fire, and Brimstone
The Hardyz take the double chokeslam
Kane taking the cage door off
Kane getting into Takers face for the first time
tombstone Micheal Hayes
tombstone on some anouncer
Tombstone to the Taker
tombstoning Bradshaw on the steps

The Goldberg page
Various WWF and ECW gifs wrestlers
The Rock page
The Mick Foley Page

The Undertaker page
The Kane page
The Stone Cold page
The WCW web site