jeudi, juin 27, 2002

     jeudi, juin 27, 2002

I am leaving tonite! ^^ so.. yah... this blog won't be updated again till I get back from Japan! ^^ (it'll be around July 11th 2002) I hope that's ok for ya! ^^ visit my friends' blog instead! or.. download my wallpapers?, no new one.. sorry...
or do my quizzes! ehehehee...

Wish me luck yah?! ^^ you know what.. actually today.. I'm in a total bad mood, my family's like... you know.. breaking down.. I hate my family, sometimes.. I hate being ALIVE!
But yah.. I'm leaving for Japan tonite.. bye bye everyone! If there's an internet service at my hotel, I'll blog from there! ok?!]
SEE YOU!!! mmuuuuaaahhh.. *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* to ya! I'll tell you ALL about the trip when I get back (that's if.. you're interested, ahahaha..)

posted @5:02 PM


mercredi, juin 26, 2002

     mercredi, juin 26, 2002

FOOTBALLITIST (remember... Adidas commercials? ahahhaa...) is spreading, and now.. it's here.. (MY BLOG.. ME, and.. now.. YOU!) ehehehhee...
My Gosh.. Ahn Jung Hwan is... MARRIED? oh.. I know.. I've seen her wife I guess.. she's quite pretty! Is this his wife?
King of Samba! ohohoho.. presenting... Ronaldinho! he's not kicking for the FINALE eh? too bad.. in that pic he's playing.. volleyball :P not football..
This pic is kinda.. strange... Aren't these guys are playing in the same team? I mean.. they're all the Germany players rite? oh.. maybe.. this pic is an old pic? :P (that's Miro in red shirt!)
Michael Ballack.. you don't want to see this.. <- what is this babe doing? eeeek.. funny, WITH BEARD or... WITHOUT? ohohohoo.. with beard.. he's looking like a criminal! but without.. O_o CUTE!
I had fun today! ^^ me and my friends were hanging out and taking pictures (do you know those.. uh.. what do we call it in English.. I dunno.. cute japanese photo machines?) I'll scan them tomorrow (if I got the chance)
Maybe if I got the chance (again..) to put the new layout, I'll do it tomorrow! but I still have to prepare my clothes and stuffs.. I'm going to Japan TOMORROW!!! uh.. I don't know if I'm going to be in Yokohama on June 30th (to watch the final!) *hope so..*
I don't really care about the final match, it's Brazil x Germany ne? *I'm hoping that Germany'll win! but seems like.. Brazil has more opportunities :P but.. who knows?* Yah.. I don't really care, but I want to take pictures with.. ohohohohoo.. the players of course!!!!!!!! Brazil is okay.. and Rivaldo will do! ^^ and also.. I want some autographs!
I wanna thank these people for the wonderful birthday presents which.. I just got those pressies.. TODAY ^^...
Nana, Diva, Eve, Ania, and.. others I forgot their web addresses (Angela has bad memories.. ok? sorrieh... but I promise next time I'll write down the URLs)
posted @10:32 PM


mardi, juin 25, 2002

     mardi, juin 25, 2002

GERMANY WOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! yeahhhhhhhh! *dances* lalalala..
WOW! I love you Ballack, you were amazinggggggg!!!!!!! and.. Klose? eh.. what was he doing? I was hoping to death that he would score AT LEAST a goal, I wanted him to win the Golden Boots! O_o but uh... forget it..
No offense to South Korean fans ok? it's NOT that I don't like South Korea, I LOVE South Korea! especially Ahn Jung Hwan (he is HOT! uuuuuuuu.. hottie... ohohohhooo..)
I am Asian.. so from the bottom of my heart (eeeeeeeewwwwwww...) I wanted South Korea to win that last match.. but.. too bad..
Oh ya.. just DON'T judge a player by his official pics on the Official/semi-official World Cup 2002 websites, they all look freaky... even the hottest keeper on earth (IKER CASILLAS! oh man...)
aiye.. better go now.. bubye..
posted @9:19 PM


lundi, juin 24, 2002

     lundi, juin 24, 2002

Okay I know.. singing a birthday song to myself is lame.. but ahahaha.. I need something to cheer this blog up.. this layout has bored you eh? and also.. I haven't made any new wallpapers..
No, my domain ( ) is *STILL* not up yet, my hostees are still moving their sites, and I haven't designed a good layout for it (I have designed a layout but.. I don't think it's good...)
I also have designed a new layout for this blog, but I'm not sure you guys will like it! but.. I don't know.. I'll just put it up BEFORE I go to Japan (28th June 2002), anyone has ever been to Japan? I heard from my friend who's been there once, she said that.. Japanese guys.. aren't so hot, ahahahhaa.. some of them are, but the guys you can find on the street are not so cute like the guys we usually see on TV (DUH! of courseeeeeeeeeee...)
I will make more quizzes before I go to Japan, and.. after I get back from there.. I'll.. ah.. I better stop talking about the plans.. I usually the NATO thing (No Action Talk Only) ahahaha.. that's me.. I'm now 17, I shouldn't be like that anymore..
I received lotsa phone calls today! ^^ ahahaha.. also emails and comments, THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!!!!!! ^^ especially to Saiyuki, she gave me the biggest present by email! and Amanda.. WOW the doll you sent me is so so cute! especially the outfit.. my gosh I have the same outfit the doll's wearing! Anyway.. I haven't got the chance to reply emails ok? (well.. I'm just lazy.. but honestly.. I love getting emails and I'd love to reply them, but I am REALLY lazy..)
Hey Ken, thanks for giving me these :
otanjoobi omedetoo gozaimasu / sheng ru kuai le / selamat ulang baru / gelukkige verjaardag !
that's how to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Dutch (<- eh.. Dutch? if I'm not mistaken.. :P)
posted @10:59 PM


dimanche, juin 23, 2002

     dimanche, juin 23, 2002

TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY! <- er... wanna say something? ohohohooo...
O my gosh.. I didn't blog yesterday.. also.. the day before, ahahahaa.. long time no see! ^^ you know.. I AM BORED of blogging.. sometimes.. you just get bored of something you used to loveeeeeeee so much before.. (for example.. boyfriends/girlfriends? c'mon guys.. admit it)
Some visitors are.. strange! :P I've just read my guestbook, most of the entries are really sweet.. but SOME of them.. contain an IDIOT question like.. "Nice homepage, do you made it yourself?" Oh God.. do I have to answer that? and.. I also found an which sounds like.. "I have all your wallpapers. Did you make the wallpapers yourself?"
Ok.. now it's my turn to ask you.. "Did you READ "these are the wallpapers I made.." or something like that.. before you download the entire collections of the wallpapers?"
Geez.. also entries like.. "Where did you buy your domain?" and.. some Indonesians who asked me stupid things like.. "r u Indonesian?"
OH NO I AM NOT............... *rolls eyes*, I said I am Indo-chinese and located in Jakarta! got it? good.
I am okay with those things, and I'm not mad AT ALL, I was just.. kinda.. uh.. ahahahaha.. (never mind...)
I'll spend tomorrow.. at home (hopefully I will receive lotsa phone calls from my friends) I want to design a NEW LAYOUT for this blog, and a temporary layout for my domain (my hostees aren't ready yet, they haven't moved their sites, I haven't created any new sites either.. so.. a temporary one will work.. I guess..)
On Friday, I spent a day with my besfriend, she IS REALLY going to move to another school.. :'( but anyway.. we had fun!
On Saturday, I went to the mall and bought loads of stuffs, from new clothes, CDs, to cute school stationaries (such as.. books, pencilcase, etc)
Well.. I better go now.. wanna get enough sleep for tomorrow, cuz tomorrow is a special day, it might not be a special day for you, but for me, yes.. I am also.. hoping that.. (this is JUST a hope) my last crush will call me? (oh.. is that possible?) he was my first.. HUGE crush? ohohoho.. and I guess.. he still remembers my birthday? LOL
Oh ya.. I also need to thank you guys.. for reading this blog.. I really mean it, without you.. I'm no one on the net, and without you my blog is just.. eek.. a useless page.
posted @8:00 PM


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Ey! WusSa... I'm juSt pasSing thRow... aNd leaVing My t@g... weLl... n E waSe... c0me bY m@h paGe aNd t@g Me t0o... aiGht!!!*WiNk*
