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Temple Freedom…..

"Temple Freedom"
Copyright 2003 Rita Eide

She sits in Temple Freedom
In quiet solitude;
Her essence lifts above her
In a soaring altitude.

As resonance of harmony
Sings into her ear;
She feels a Temple Freedom
Drawing closer, ever near.

Light surrounds her body
As she sheds her earthly skin;
In perfect Temple Freedom,
A wholeness will begin.

The light becomes her body
It’s as if she isn’t there;
The light of Temple Freedom…
Is filling up the air.

Her heart begins the filling
In oneness, now the whole…
As the Freedom of the Temple
Connects body to the soul.

As love and perfect freedom
Lifts her spirit in the light…
She finds in Temple Freedom
Soaring , wonder and delight.

She moves into forever
With the calling of her soul;
And the force of Temple Freedom
Is a wonder to behold.

Its light holds every color
In a new and brilliant hue;
In the joy of Temple Freedom
She’s refreshed and feeling new.

All too soon it’s over
And the pulling back begins;
To the Freedom of the Temple
As her soul in peace descends.
She sits in Temple Freedom
In peaceful solitude...
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2003

Temple Freedom…..
Long ago..
And far away...

She would be going about her regular tasks--she would feel the temple freedom building inside of her.. There were no dates then...
No Monday's...
Not even a Friday to look forward to...
Each day...was just THERE...
Always was...always would be..
Her heart would have a longing...
A feeling that would grow...Until she would be drawn there...
To Temple Freedom...

The temple was designed to be open...
Light from within...light from without...
The blocks themselves emanated a glowing light...
From the floors a radiance...
All just softly glowing....
As you looked up...there were crystals...
So many...
You could not tell where one stopped and the other left off....
As she shed her earthly garments...
Others would be doing the same...
But each was in their own Temple Freedom...
And not aware of the others, so many were there..
And yet she was all alone...
The light would grow...the colors...
Every spectrum of the rainbow...
And others we have long forgotten...
She would be bathed in the light
And there would be a slight music in the background...
Just a tone...that would build to the sweetest heart song...
A song that would make you weep...
But at the same time...give such joy...
All the cares of your life...would disappear...

In Temple Freedom....

As the light intensified...
The music rose slightly...
The vibration in her body began...
A vibration that was so sweet so loving...
She would seem to rise from the floor.
As the tone intensified--her body would raise higher...
Lifting almost arcing with the sensation of rising above the floor..
Then when all was Temple Freedom...
When all there were one light...
The body would sink slowly to the floor...
The light would emanate from the real source of light...
The vibration of each that was there...
The light would seek each other out...
Until there was this joining...
Beyond sex...
Beyond feeling...
A perfect oneness...
As light enjoined with light...
The colors...the light...the vibration...
The oneness...
There was perfect Temple Freedom...
The light would slowly start to ebb away...
The heart tone...
receding into the back ground...
The light of each returning to the body...
She would wake as if from a dream...
Her body fresh and new...
She would sit quietly...
In solitude...
Feeling the gentle breeze...
That flowed through the temple...
Caress her skin and lift her hair...
She was at peace...

In Temple Freedom....

~~Note from Maria~~

I first saw this painting
when I visited Rita's web site in 1999..
And I fell in love with it..
I believe each painting..
Each photograph..
Has a story to tell..
This is the story the painting told to me..
Visit her web site
By clicking on the painting..
At the top of my poem...
Temple Freedom..
"Temple Freedom"
Copyright Rita Eide 2003
Used with permission..