A final statement...

Vera, Vera, Vera, I always knew that you didn't have the biggest brains in this world, but how could you, even for a split second, believe that I would EVER come to LA to see you? I told you long time ago that there is NOTHING in LA for me to do, and LEAST of all I would go there to see YOU. Ha, ha, ha! No Vera, I saw your picture ... that's MORE then enough to keep me away from LA.

No my "dear", there is and was NO WAY that I would ever spend a dollar on going to meet with you. Not in NYC, not in LA, not anywhere. I had a lot of opportunities to do that while you lived in NYC but I didn't want to. For Christ sake, Vera, have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror? For about a month (back in Jan 2002) I talked sweet and nice to you, then you send me some pictures of yourself. Maybe you remember that then I changed attitude towards you. I pissed on you and talked badly and started calling you names. Now you know why! Not even a plastic operation of that face would help you, Vera, it can never make you look pretty anyway, so it would be waste of money. Sorry, I doesn't say this to be cruel or anything. Just trying to be honest!

I have been playing you for a long time and I really had a lot of fun doing that. Nomatter how much I pissed on you, I could always make you come back. You really must have a low self-esteem, Vera. You always made me laugh ... laugh at you ... when you told me all your lies and thought that I believed you. But guess what? I have been chatting with so many people in my life and learned that 99% of them (myself including) are just having fun telling a lot of lies. I must admit though, that the one you told me about "Lord" Lorenza was the funniest of them all. I was laughing my ass off when you told me that story ... ha ha ha!!! And the one about meeting the Spanish King ... ha ha ha ... I still get a stomachache when I think of that one ... ha ha ha!!! Vera, let me give you an advise ... in the future when you meet someone on the chat ... tell lies that are not so obvious and unbelievable as those you told ME, because NO ONE will ever believe you anyway and do yourself a favour "dear" ... don't reveal the email addresses or Messenger addresses of your children to your cyber lovers, because sooner or later people will ask them questions about you that will reveal your lies once and for all. And don't send your pictures either ... it will scare anyone away to see a woman your age looking older and more wrinkled then their grandmother.

Now you may ask WHY I said that I was coming to LA ... and that I also told your kids that I would come. Well, that's very simple, Vera. Like so many times over the last year, you again disappeared and ignored my emails and messages so I came up with the idea to "push you into the corner" ... wanted to be sure that sooner or later you WOULD reply. I wanted to see which sick excuse you would come up with this time. First I thought that you would say that you had been in the hospital and had to go to NYC in a hospital while I was in LA. Naaa, that one was too obvious. Then I thought you would make Yann tell me that you died. Naaaa, Yann wouldn't do that even if you asked him to and you would also be affraid that maybe I would show up at the funeral ... that wouldn't take place anyway, so I dropped that one too. Then I thought that maybe you would say that Lorenza showed up and kidnapped you ... naaa, not good either. I must admit that my imagination was not big enough to figure out that you would say that you got married again (for God knows which time). But maybe I should have thought about that though, because you already told me twice before that you "almost" got married during the last year. Every time after only having known the poor guy for a couple of days. What is it with you and marriages? Well, I am sure I know what it is. You are to lazy to work and support for your fat children yourself, so you want a man (preferably a rich man) to do that. And I am sure there are many men out there (blind or disabled in some way) that would do that for you, because they can't find a decent woman to marry so they settle with a cheap slut instead ... a cheap and willing slut even ... and peace be with those men.

One last thing ... does your new "husband" know that less then 2 months ago you were masturbating, stripping and rubbing your tits for me ... and all the other guys who were watching ... on the webcam? Is he happy about you doing things like that? Or does he think the same I did ... "yikes, what a slutty whore!" I know for sure that a decent man would NEVER marry a whore like you, Vera. I don't call you that to abuse you in any ways ... I only call things by their right names. And by the way, do you want to know who put your pictures on the internet? Oh no, it wasn't me, but let me give you a hint: Some time ago, I hacked Yuri's computer, and guess what I found there? Just thought you wanted to know ;-) Well, next time I guess it will be your fat daughter masturbating, stripping and rubbing her tits on the webcam, because as we say in Europe: "Like mother, like daughter". At least we know for sure that Yuri is fucking all the girls that he meet, just like his mother is fucking all the men that she meet!

Take care Vera ... I wish you all the best in your life (nomatter who is going to pay for you).

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no big deal