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Hello, and welcome to my twisted world, please watch your step*grins evily*

A Day Late Tribute

Me, I guess

So you wanted to know more about me huh?

Name: Ashley

Age: Shhh it's a secret

Location: Huntington Beach, CA

Sex: Not with you!!!

Well not much about me. I listen to hard rock and heavy metal, some of my favorite bands are slayer, metallica, black sabbath, megadeth and many more. I play electric guitar, I have an ibanez. I like to watch movies and hang out with my friends.I guess thats about it, if you want to know anything else just ask.

Shout Outs

Yes this is the place where I say hi to all thoes people who say they are my friends ^_^

Jamie-We're all mad here!

Cassie-Thanks for always being around =)

Aubrey-Sometimes I just feel like putting on a bunny suit and screaming!

Tori-Can't sleep Avril will eat me...You don't still have that CD do ya?!

Aaron-So, you like to wrestle with sweaty guys huh? Ehh, whatever floats your boat buddy!

James(Jingo)-You rock! And stay happy, you're a great guy and deserve to be happy *as corny as that may sound*

Raven-You rock!! And yes you are right, Ozzy rules all!

Jay-Ozzy will become president one day I just know it!

Andy-Hey, your pretty kewl to talk to, and you play guitar, go you!

Robert-What would you do for a Klondike Bar!?

Annalee- And everyone has a new respect for Analee!

Hugh-Happy mothers day!!!

Sorry to anyone I didn't mention, I still love all you peoples too.


Here and some of my favorites

Movie-Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or The Matrix.

TV Show-The Simpsons

Music-Heavy Meatl

Band-Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath

Musician-Ozzy Osbourne, who else but the prince of darkness himself!

Instrument- Electric Guitar or Drums

Book-At the moment, Gingerbread by Rachel Cohen

Author-S.E Hinton

Food-I guess, pizza

I'll add more later...
Likes & Dislikes

I'll try not to make theese to long so you guys don't fall asleep

Likes: Well lets start out with music, playing my guitar. Friends, anything flamable, fireworks preferbly. And last but definetly not least, sugar!!! ^_^

Dislikes: Spam-is martain meat sent to kill us all. Clowns-*eeep* Pop and Rap music-IT SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO BE CALLED MUSIC! Martha Stewart-Shes just scary... Richard Simmons-He'll squish you with his perkyness!


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You don't just walk into someons house with out saying somthing do you?! Of corse not! So sign the guest book^_^

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