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January 16, 2003.

    Sorry! The author told me earlier today that the story isn't finish yet. Said he got caught up with something else. But it will definitely be continued. You'll just have to wait, that is of course, if you want to. Anyway, it is just a temporary page, since I am not yet done with updating my hommie :) Oh, by the way, the story has got no title, so feel free to give it one (you might give your suggestions upon signing the Guest Book below). Who knows, Ice might like it!

    I would like to thank you for visiting this page. I am still working on my homepage and will put it up soon. What will happen to the 'story' page back there? Hmm... I haven't given it much thought yet. But I'm sure we'll come up with something :)

     For the time being, I would like to wish those people on the next page a very Happy Birthday. Hey, why don't you check it out? Your name might be on it!

    Oh, well. I have to go now. Be back again soon. Thank you again for your time :) Oh, rite. May you please sign in the Guest Book on your way out, so I'll know that you were here? Thanx a lot :)

    Before I go, I would like to share this beautiful poem a friend of mine had found on the net a couple of weeks ago. It was written by "Alex" something. Take a look at it and, if you are "Alex", I just wanna say it's beautiful and had touched my heart so deeply. *sigh*

Signed, Ashley I.

Is This Love

When he is all you think about, does that mean you love him?
When you dream and he is all you see, does that mean you're in love?
When you see him and you know on the spot that you could never deserve anything that great, does that mean you love him?
When he turns you down and you feel as if you can't breath, does that mean you're in love?
But even when you know he doesn't care, when you see, hear or feel him you heart hurts, does that mean you love him?
When you compare everyone else to him, does that mean you're in love?
When you daydream about holding him in your arms for hours at a time, does that mean you're in love?
Pain, feelings, impulses, all the emotions running through your body, is that love?
I may not know, but I've never felt so much love, yet so much pain all in one,
one heart broken and broken again.

by Alex 2002©
