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Kodie's Page

Welcome to my page, I hope you like it.

Thats ME :P Hey I am re-doin this page it was old and there were alot of people on here that I dont fucking like anymore to be blunt about it! *coughs* fuck you, you know who you are.

Anyways, hahaha well wow alot has changed since I posted this thing. I have two gorgeous babies Dylan is 2 1/2 and Summer is 6 mths. they mean the world to me and I Love them very much! I have own my own home in the boonies :) well right outside a little town, its boring but its home. I've had alot of different jobs from waitress for two years to receptionist/dispatcher for whirlpool, right now I am a homemaker and its the hardest job I have ever done but I enjoy it very much. I am currently in the middle of a divorce, it's most definatly for the best should have never happened in the first place. NEVER do ANYTHING you don't want to do to please ANYONE! I am very close to my family I love them all so much. They are definatly a bunch of weirdos haha but you got to love them, they are tons of fun though. I enjoy camping, fishing (I don't bait my own hook though haha), hiking, football, shopping, going out, and hanging out. I have played softball for eleven years, first base baby! haha I miss it ALOT have taken two years off :( I am so playing this year though on a co-ed team can't wait. Well enough about me! HAHA



Hey Baby! Girl I love you so much, we have been best friends for over thirteen years and I wouldnt trade a second of that for anything. Your awesome and dont let anyone ever tell you different, and if they do tell me and I will go upside somebodys head for ya ;). Never change girl. I am so proud of you! *sniff* my baby is in college lol. Remember if we ever lose touch we are gonna reunite on Jenny Jones!


Bea Bea! Hey Honey. I am so fuckin proud of you, you showed this family up. One of us had to do it my plans took a shit, but I am so happy you stuck with it. No matter how old you get you will always be my lil bea, I know all through school you hated when you would come home and tell me so and so was sayin shit about you and I would go to school the next day ready to whoop somebodys ass. I have always been your lil "big" sis and that'll never change. Keep your head up high babe, never change and remeber if anyone gives you shit up there "nose, crotch, crotch, crotch......" LOL I Love You!


Oh my little soldier hottie what will I do with you....I bet I could think of a few things *wink* *wink* haha. Well we haven't really known eachother long but it don't matter I think your awesome. You have almost a year left over there but screw it :) I am going to be the girl waiting for you at the gate! awe so cute. Well Babe you be safe I mean it! *Kisses*

My page is still in progress bare with me!