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Krista's Wonderful Web World

Hey everyone. Welcome to my webpage. Come back often for updates. Also please sign and rate my guestbook! Thanks, and enjoy!

A Little About Me:

1) Name?
Krista Caroline

2) Instrument(s)?
piano, alto sax, clarinet, soprano sax, guitar (learning), marimba (for Winter Drumline in high school-sophomore year)

3) Major?
Music Therapy

4) Favorite quote?
"Music gives a soul to the universe" -Plato

5) What is your favorite movie?
I have many favorites, including Mr. Holland's Opus and A Walk to Remember

6) Are you a righty, a lefty, or ambidextrous?
I'm right handed

7) What would you like to do with your degree when you graduate?
I want to work with kids in a school setting or kids that are in mental facilities

8) What is your favorite color?

9) What is the range of your musical background?
I have had multiple roles in marching band (including being a drum major); I played in a community band (Dominic Greco Memorial Band) for 3 years. I was in Winter Drumline for one year, high school jazz band for 3 years, church handbell choir for 3 years. I have been in numerous other church choirs and I was in a select ladies high school choir for one year (Ladies Ensemble). I have played the piano since I was seven years old.

10) Favorite 4 bands/artists?
I listen to too many to narrow it down to just 4!

11) What is your worst habit?
Tapping my foot, fingers, etc. (fidgeting in any way)

12) The most enjoyable thing you have ever done in life?
Came to UD and have begun the four year journey to discover who I am and what I want out of life.

Well, there you have it. 100% me. Feel free to email me at any time.

My Links

~*Last Updated September 21, 2004*~