Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy, Spike, or any of the other BtVS characters. I just provide them with the necessary sex that Joss so cruelly deprives them of. ~_^

Summary: Irresistible lust toward a certain peroxide blond vampire overcomes Buffy in the week before her twenty-first birthday. So what choice does an ultra-horny Slayer have? ~_^ Completely AU S6, shameless PWP. *COMPLETED, October 2003* NC17

Author's Note: OK, major warning. This story is the most pointless smutfest ever. It has absolutely no redeeming social value whatever. It's just smut, smut, and more smut with an incredibly thin plot to facilitate all this lovely smut. There, I admitted it. ~_^ For those of you who are still reading on (which I'm guessing is just about everyone ^_^), this story takes place in a strange sort of unrealistic AU. Buffy never found out about Spike's crush on her back in S5. And none of the angsty stuff of that season happened, either. Like, she didn't die and none of the depress-o fest of S6 ever occurred. Basically, all of S5 remained happy and fluffy with UST abounding wildly between Buffy and Spike, but neither of them doing anything about it. Why is it this way, you ask? Because I said so. ~_^ Like I said, not a lot of redeeming plot value in this one, but I hope you'll enjoy anyway. Oh, and if anyone notices any similarities between this and any of Nautibitz' stories, it's because her stuff all inspired this. All hail Nauti, the ultimate source of all perviness. ~_^

by Kantayra

Chapter One – The Annals (Or Is It ‘Anals’?) of a Horny Vampire Slayer

A gasp and a grunt sounded through the still night air that had settled over Sunnydale cemetery. A loud crash followed by a vehement exclamation, and the newly-risen vampire hit the tombstone hard, causing the cold marble to crumble. Instantly he was on his feet once more, feral eyes glowing yellow and razor-sharp fangs glinting the moonlight.

Almost immediately, his foe was upon him once more, a tiny wisp of a girl wearing the latest fashionable miniskirt and soft peach summer top. Brief incongruity set over the undead being that this small blonde’s blows could be so powerful. And then his vision was swimming again as a high-kick clipped him squarely across the jaw.

“You know, I hate to break it to you,” Buffy quipped, hitting the fledgling vamp with a quick left-right combo, “but you’re seeming a bit sluggish to me, even for a new-bee. And in this game, speed and strength are everything.” She caught his punch with a swift block. “See what I mean?” she said. “So, since survival of the fittest obviously isn’t your thing, why don’t we just—”

A shock seemed to jolt through her body at exactly that moment, and a soft green glow shone in Buffy’s eyes, sending a dizzy, heady feeling through her.

“Hey, Slayer,” clueless vamp asked anxiously, “you all right?”

Buffy blinked and looked at her enemy, a strange twisting feeling building deep in her gut. Her body suddenly seemed to be on fire, and an unbearable wetness was seeping into her panties. Abstractly she knew that on the ugliness scale, this vamp was off the charts, but then why did he look so impossibly appealing all of a sudden? “Uh…yeah,” she agreed shyly, instinctively reaching up to brush her hand back from her face, exposing the sweaty column of her throat for him in invitation.

“Good,” he breathed a sigh of relief…before tackling her to the dewy grass beneath them.

Somewhere deep inside, Buffy knew her life was at risk, that she was supposed to fight. It felt like her rational mind had been disconnected for the moment though, and she just didn’t care. All that mattered was the feel of the masculine body on top of her, the tantalizing aroma of male vampire musk… Her thighs spread wantonly beneath him, grinding her need up against him in begging offering.

A glint of triumph shone in the fledgling’s yellowed eyes, and he took in a deep, unnecessary breath to savor the moment…and a strange compulsion took over him, as well. Something about the Slayer’s sweet scent drove him wild, causing him to harden instantly above her. Of its own bidding, his vamp face retracted, leaving the pimply human features he’d sported before his death.

“Slayer…” His voice had turned to a husky whisper, and he nuzzled her throat gently, rubbing his hardness pointedly against her inner thigh.

“Yes…” Buffy breathed in response, hands reaching down to caress her impromptu lover, encouraging him. God, she felt like she was being burned alive waiting for him to enter her…

And then the vampire on top of her literally was burned alive. A bright white flash illuminated the cemetery for an instant, putting the shocked vampire’s features into startled relief for a second before he vanished in a poof of dust.

Buffy managed to let out a small whimper of despair as the hard body above hers vanished, forcing her mind to focus and track down the delicious sex that had been secretly promised her.

“Yay, it worked!” Willow cheered in delight, squeezing Tara’s hand as they approached where Buffy still lay spread-eagled on the ground.

“You were great,” Tara agreed with that shy, coy smile she reserved solely for her lover. “The way you held the sunlight together…” She brushed her shoulder against her girlfriend’s affectionately. “You were amazing.”

“You’re the amazing one,” Willow countered with a secretive little smile of her own. “Did you see it, Buffy? Our sun ball actually dusted that one! Probably because he was so young and all…but still!”

“Y-Yeah,” Buffy managed to mutter, rising to her feet despite the aching pain between her thighs. God, it was so hard to concentrate. The thought of a hard, cold cock pressing into her was almost overwhelming, and she had to fight back a whimper of loss that the vampire was no longer there to give it to her. God, she needed… She needed to get rid of these two so she could go hunting. “It was great,” she managed to force the words out, struggling to keep her mind on the task at hand. “But I bet you guys are tired after that. W-Why don’t you go home and let me handle the rest of the patrol?”

“Really?” Willow said excitedly. “’Cause, yeah, feeling a bit of the post-magic headache coming on…plus, I want to go over the spell again, see how to make it stronger again, and…”

Tara smiled as Willow continued to babble. “I think she means, are you sure you’ll be all right without us?” she clarified with a little giggle.

“I’m good,” Buffy insisted a bit too hastily, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. “I’m better than good. You guys go on ahead.”

“We’ll see you tomorrow at the Magic Box, then,” Willow agreed, following Tara’s lead on her hand and giving Buffy a little finger-wave as they wandered off.

The Slayer breathed a deep sigh of relief, intentionally breathing in the night air. It felt as though all her senses had suddenly been magnified a thousand-fold, the soft scents in the sea air teasing her with dozens of possibilities. God, she just needed something cold to quench this burning from within, something…

She froze as one alluring scent stood out to her above all others. This one reeked of power, strength, waiting virility… Breathing already heavy, she ran through the night, entire body focused to pinpoint accuracy on this one task. Her rational mind was still buried deep inside somewhere, and all that mattered was Buffy. Want. Fuck. Now.

With a feline’s slinking grace, she crept upon the small clearing, eyes dilating in lust at the sight of the mate she’d found herself. She licked her lips in eager anticipation of his physical prowess, watching the battle that took place before her with baited breath…

“Oh bugger!” Spike exclaimed in annoyance, frantically trying to wipe away the glob of pink slime that had landed squarely on the shoulder of his prize duster. “’ll have you know this coat’s older than you are, so try a li’l respect!”

The fuchsia blob didn’t respond beyond making a few gurgling noises and oozing its way back over towards him again. Spike was severely questioning whether this thing was even sentient.

Ducking a long, speckled tentacle, Spike did a quick somersault across the cemetery grass. He dodged yet another blow, weaving between the thing’s multitude of drooling limbs, rushing low across the ground, his mind focused entirely upon his goal. One spectacular leap and a roll, and he snatched up the battle-axe that had been knocked from his grip earlier, barely avoiding further damages to his precious duster.

“You touched the coat,” he informed the slime monster with a low growl. “That means you die. Brutally.”

Axe was promptly applied to slime demon in a vigorous and overly-enthusiastic manner. The giant pink blob gurgled a few times before dissolving into a sticky white puddle, and then with a little glow the puddle vanished as well.

“Huh,” Spike cocked his head curiously to one side, “who ever woulda thought that nasty bugger would clean up so nicely?” Hefting his axe fondly over his shoulder, he headed off for Shady Hill Cemetery, the immortal words of Sid Vicious on his lips…

And Buffy pounced.

Spike swore and flailed as he was tackled down to the ground by something powerful. He froze for an instant when he felt what he would have sworn was a hot tongue slip into his ear but then bucked violently, throwing his attacker off.

“Lookin’ for a good tussle then, mate?” he inquired, a delighted, wicked light in his eyes at the thrill of the fight. And then his jaw dropped when he saw the figure that had jumped him. “B-Buffy?” he exclaimed in wide-eyed disbelief.

In a slow, slinky motion, the Slayer rose to her feet, hips sashaying teasingly as she approached him once more. “Oh yeah, baby,” she purred in her most kitten-like voice, “I want a good, hot, hard tussle…” She licked her lips.

Spike watched the tip of her little pink tongue escape her lips with something akin to fascination. God, this was so much like his wet dreams, it was scary… “I-I thought you were patrollin’ the west side tonight,” his mind spit out the first disjointed thought it came upon.

“Only fledglings over there,” she retorted, continuing her advance.

Spike took a step back in response, finding himself suddenly backed up against a stone crypt with nowhere to run. This felt strange, being hunted in such a manner, the glint in the Slayer’s eyes letting him know well enough that she thought he was good enough to eat. The irony of that thought wasn’t lost on him, but he didn’t care right now. Because the way she was moving, talking…it had him harder than hell.

“I needed a real vampire,” she informed him in a husky whisper, hands on his chest now, running sensuously down the hard muscles she found there. She leaned in close, flicking her tongue into his ear once more. “I need an equal… You, Spike. I need you…” She slipped one leg around his lean hip then and thrusted her wetness right up against his aching erection. Oh, he was much bigger than that fledgling she’d found earlier…

Spike inhaled with a startled gasp, breathing in the intoxicating scent of needy Slayer musk, and at that moment he was gone. With a feral growl, he slammed her up against the concrete wall beside him, pressing his body forcefully between her thighs.

She keened and wailed at the rock-hard cock that was now rubbing hard over her clit, albeit through the thick fabric of his jeans. Her hands ran excitedly over his body, fingers clutching at the black leather, nails scrapping across his scalp through short platinum spikes.

He knew something was wrong. He’d never been this out of control in all his life, and that odd green glow in Buffy’s eyes was a pretty good indicator, too. Even though he’d dreamed bending her over almost every flat object he’d encountered in the past two years, he knew this sudden unbearable lust was unnatural. But, god, he didn’t care. She felt molten in his arms, her heat suffusing his body as she wrapped herself around him.

With a warning growl, he lifted her up against the wall, guiding her legs around his waist. Her hot little fingers eagerly moved to his zipper, pulling it down slowly so that they could hear each jagged groan of the teeth as they slowly separated, leaving him to finally spring out into her waiting hand.

He pushed her grip aside roughly, forcing her hand back above her head and his other hand found the tiny little thong that stood as the only barrier between his aching cock and complete bliss. He ripped the fabric away violently, causing her to screech at the shock of pain.

“Hurt me good!” she gasped out.

He lost all semblance of conscious thought at that and rammed home, his massive girth stretching her tight inner walls with bruising intensity.

Buffy screamed out at the invasion, the sudden chill of his icy member within her opening her eyes wide with shock. Her slick passage throbbed and pulsed around him, trapping him deep within her as she slowly began to ride out her ecstasy.

He squeezed his eyes shut tight, burying his face in the sweaty curve of her neck, as he thrust repeatedly and violently up into her willing body. God, she felt so hot – feverish almost – and he could feel her heat leaking into him, consuming him, making him a part of her. Her channel was so wet and tight, sticking to him with a tantalizing suction, creating the most delightful noises as he pumped himself deep within her, and coating his cock completely with her sweet juices.

“Christ, Buffy!” he managed to utter his first coherent words. “Fuck me…”

“Fuck you good,” she assured him, squeezing her internal muscles rhythmically around him. She began riding him harder at that, faster, relief beginning to flow through her body as his coolness evaporated into her, making his dick burn as it took in her heat.

“So good,” he gasped, holding her hips with bruising strength and slamming her down around him. It felt as though her heat was bringing his flesh back to life, filling it with her warmth and vitality, and, god, never had ever anything felt better in all his one-hundred-plus years of existence. “Come for me, luv,” he purred against her throat, finding the sweet spot within her with each stroke, “come for the Big Bad. Scream for me…”

“Spike!” she cried out, moving impossibly faster as she felt herself growing close. “So big, so bad… God, more!”

“More?” His eyes widened in belief. Already she was strangling his cock to its utmost limits, the vise of her internal muscles sending alternate jolts of pleasure and sweet, sweet pain through his aching balls.

“Need to…” Her body fell forward against him, collapsing against his strength, and her own head found its place against the alabaster curve of his throat. Suddenly, the sight of that flesh was too delicious to bear, and she sank her teeth in, crying out in wondrous release as she tasted the first tangy drops of his blood against her tongue.

She was biting him. The Slayer was biting him! Fuck! Spike roared out his released into the night, shooting stream after stream of milky cum into her waiting womb. His jizz squirted out the same cool as his body temperature at first, but then the inhuman heat that had taken over her filled it, warming it until his seed was just as alive as she was.

Buffy felt the downright painful heat abate as it took hold of Spike’s sperm, and waves of relief shot through her that she was herself again. The sensation lasted only a second before the natural result of having eight thick inches of pulsing vampire pounding her g-spot took hold, and she came with a wild scream into the night of the cemetery, body clutching his desperately in convulsions of pleasure as the world seemed to shatter around her…

Cock spent, Spike’s knees finally gave way and he fell to the ground, Slayer still impaled firmly on his erection. Buffy felt the concrete of the crypt behind her grind into the skin of her back as she slid slowly to the ground with him, but she was too overcome by ecstasy to care about the pain.

Buffy sat limply in his lap for a minute, feeling a strange tingling sensation deep in her womb. For some reason, the sensation felt so extraordinarily right that she couldn’t question the fact that she’d just had her wicked way with her former archenemy.

Spike seemed to return to his mind at that moment as well, and he slowly slid his rapidly softening cock out of her, one hand lightly fingering the bite on his neck, awe in his eyes. He gazed upon the woman before him – the Slayer, cheeks flushed with passion, skirt hiked up around her waist, and inner thighs dripping with their combined cum. The sight was so delicious he had to fight to refrain from taking her again right there.

“N-Not that ‘m complainin’,” he began in an uncharacteristically shaky voice, “but what brought that on, pet?”

Buffy gulped, taking in the tender look on Spike’s face and venturing to glance at where his limp penis still dangled out from the front of his jeans. Inside her, she felt a welcome stir deep within her belly. What brought that on, indeed…

 On To Chapter 2