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WELCOME! This is my page dedicated to my favorite art. I have always loved art but only recently have i been able to apriciate the whole glory of other peoples paintings. Lately i have had a huge loving for Art Nouveau with its curves and flowingness and Art Deco with it's beautiful statues of Busby Berkley style women. Also I have always loved the Pre-raphelites with there glorious full figured women with flowing long hair much like William Morris style and John William Godward to name a few. Not that I have a thing for women but I am an open person who is not afraid of saying what they like. Recently though I found a website that a unknown to me artist havd made. HIs name was Jonathon earl bowser and he produces these beautiful Goddess like women. Here on this page is a few of my favorite paintings or pictures. Enjoy!xxx

This painting I especially love. It shows the quiete side of a female. With her lounging around at the bottom of a small pond with beautiful flowers growing. The painting gives off a soft warm glow which relaxs you.


This painting is typical Art Deco. It was painted by Gustav Klimt, it is called THE KISS and is in his usual style. I love this painting because it is so beautifully done , with its gold and precious colours. Plus I love the whole idea of the title THE KISS. !


This guy is so amazing in what he does. I would absolutly love to be painted by him. I love the way he portrays women. I also love the mystery of his paintings, the deepness and smoothness of his style. You can see more of his paintings at:-