Sorry but as you can see angelfire became a dick with their ads. Therefore I've moved this site to geocities. HEREThat one is also soon gonna be remade. From their visit my livejournal. I am sorry but this site is no longer going to be updated.

This site has ment so much to me, I feel bad letting go of it. I've spend numerous hours working on it, day in day out. I had it for about 3years now and it became a huge part of my life. I don't know for how long angelfire will continue to keep this site. I know it won't be forever, but I hope they leave me a warning before they do. This site in my eyes is beautiful. It thought me everything i needed to know about my self. I'd like ot thank everyone whom I shared this site with. You can still click on my face to view.

July 28, 2001 - February 26, 2004