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As the boys stepped out of Aj’s room they were greeted by a mob of fans. And again the girl Nick saw earlier was there standing staring straight at him, with big dark eyes.  Nick didn’t know why but he was instinctively drawn towards that girl and couldn’t help staring back.  Instead of retreating back into the room they stood there signed some autographs and posed for some pictures, before the security guards could come and ward the fans away.


######IN THE RESTAURANT#######


“I saw you looking at her again,” Brian whispered as they sat round the table.

“Who?” Nick asked as though he didn’t know what he was talking about.

“The girl with the deep dark eyes”

“Do you think I’ll actually take more than a glance at these black girls.” Nick racism was showing again trying to cover up.

Howie who had heard the little conversation thought before he said what he did “ Nick you’re attracted to someone aren’t you?”

“No I’m not,” Nick said a little too offensively.

The waiter then came and asked for their orders. They all said their orders and sat  around just talking in general. They looked around at the restaurant they were. The place was furnished with oak and teak wood. They had sculptures of giraffes and elephants and other wild animals. The tapestry was the replica of the skins of zebras and leopards. There were also glass statues and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling.


######In Another Room at the Hotel######


Gorata, Albert , Isaac and Senwelo sat in Gorata’s room. Gorata being the girl Nick was drawn towards, Albert being her boyfriend was from Ghana. Isaac was tall, but not lanky, he was from Zambia and Senwelo who was half British and half Motswana.


“You know these lekgwa(lekgwa is setswana for white)boys who have come, I think the blond one has got some sort of attraction toward me,” Gorata said.

“Aii! I don’t like the sound of that, remember you are my girlfriend,” Albert replied, but only joking.

“Its nice to know I’m loved, but that’s besides the point. I think we could have some fun with them,” she continued.

“How do you mean?” Senwelo asked a bit curious about what her friend was up to.

“You see, they think they are all that, lets teach them a bit of a lesson,”

“They are all that,” chimed in Senwelo “especially Brian”

“Let me finish. Any way they are going to Chobe in two days well we can begin there,”

“Begin what,” Isaac asked who was only going to be interested if Senwelo was. (Authors note:  Isaac likes Senwelo, but she won’t give him the time of day)

“We’ll meaning Senwelo and I will lead them on, pretend we like them, and then drop them like hot potatoes.”

“Were does that leave us guys?” Albert asked.

“Yeah whatever, anyway Senwelo what do you think of the plan.”

“I ain’t gonna pretend I’m in love with Brian and I’ll try my luck. I can only promise I won’t blow your act.  .” This made Isaac cringe.

“Fine! At least I’ll have my own fun,”

“That’s great and all, but we don’t have reservations at the lodge,” Albert said.

“Do you think I’m stupid or what, I’ve made reservations. I called Birgit and Narrani to book us.” (Authors note: Birgit and Narrani are friends of these people, and they work at the lodge.)




“That was a great meal,” Kevin said as they got up to leave.








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