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Tom's Program Page

Calculations and Games

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Below are programs I’ve written. Calculating programs are written in Pascal and games written with game maker software.

Financial people, this is a program I wrote in Pascal... It will calculate your present worth from annuity payments among other calculations (just in case you win the lottery ;-) Click here to down load

Need a loan? This program will calculate payment information for a typical loan. Wrote this one also. Click here to down load

Here is a game I created called BugX using game maker software. It is based off the snake game. It has three levels with a bug that grows when it eats oranges. Hint: do not hit the walls with the bug and look for the secret passage to go to next level. I removed the music to make download smaller but it still has sound effects. Zip file is 652 KB. See next program for same game with music. Click here to down load

This one has music. .exe file is approx. 5 meg. Click here to down load

Here is a game I created called tom_volley3. It is good for ages 2 thru 5 years of age. .exe file is approx. 6 megs. Click here to down load

Here's a program to calculate horsepower and average G-force during acceleration. Hot Rodders need to download this one. Click here to down load

This is my wav file. "Office Space" was a must see movie for persons that relate to Dilbert. click here to hear my impression of the Manager.


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