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Have You Seen My Cousins?

The point of this page is for me to find my cousins whom I have not seen since 1989, when we all lived in Hong Kong. This picture was taken in France, shortly after they moved away then. I will put as much details about myself that they might know, and about them. Please look at the photo closely. If you know anyone who matches any of these details below, please don't hesitate to contact me. I really want to talk to my cousins again, even if I have to do so in broken French.

I haven't seen my cousins since I was about 8 or 9 (My name in Hong Kong was Cheuk Hiu Lam), when my aunt (not related to me) moved them to France. Their father is my mother's older brother. My family really hasn't told me much details about them after they moved... what their address is, what part of France they are in, how they are doing... I had to ask to keep this picture of them they sent to my grandmother after they left. The last photo I saw of them was in 1995, when I visited Hong Kong again and my grandmother showed me a picture of them singing.

We all lived in Hong Kong, Kowloon St, in almost adjacent apartment buildings. We all went to this Catholic elementary school near our home. The four of us-my two cousins, above, my brother and I-would sometimes walk to school together. I was the youngest, my cousin "Wu Wai Kueng" was a year older than me, and I think his sister "Wu Wai Bing" was the same year as my brother, in 6th grade. There was a pet store on the same street as our apartment buildings, and we would go there sometimes to look at pets. I remember them having a grown chicken as a pet once.

The only details I know about where they might be is France. The whole reason I took French in high school was so I might one day be able to speak to them. I've thought about them from time to time... and now I really would like to talk to them again. I would be so easy to exchange e-mail in the electronic age. Since I was the youngest cousin in the family when we last spoke, I want to tell them about their two cousins that are younger than me. They're so cute. I'd bet they would like to find out more about you as well. Now I'm writing this like a letter to them, so I'll stop here and hope someone can help me find them.
