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This site is featuring Final Fantasy!

Wo0ted on 8/9/03
Hiya everyone...yeah, I didn't update my blog for about...9 months? Real sorry because I'm very busy, catching up with my class on their results and all that. September holidays! Finally! *o* I have been waiting for it what looks like forever. Anyways, for new comers, I'll be making a comeback! Hahaha!! Final Fantasy lives in my heart, but I have yet to beat Adele in FF8. Give me hints, clues, tips? Anyone? Arrr!! So many homework from school, just got accepted into DMC (digital matrix club)! They torture Webbie girls, the seniors. I'm suffering in the midst of an newcomer...argh. Anyways, sign guestbook before you leave, or suffer my wrath! ^^

The music is from Final Fantasy Vlll, the dance.