June 2002!

Music to surf the web with!

Square Soft

Final Fantasy 8 Intro


Hell March



It is the month of awesome weather! I am furiously into the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game and anime. I have the Yugi starter deck with 3 boosters. I played my son 3 games and won all three, one game I didn't lose any single life points. Not bad for a rookie. I purchased Farscape Volume 5 DVD...which now makes it 1-6 I possess. I am working all weekend, which sucks but I will get paid generously for it. No updates and site recommendations today.

Well, I must say that I have slacked off so far on the updates and entries. Due to my increasingly busy work schedule and spring cleaning I haven't had the time or energy. If you are getting quite bored, go to the links section and check it out. Better yet, go to my message board. It is the link on the bottom of this web page entitled "My brain". See the pictures, hear the wavs! DO SOMETHING DAMN IT!

Today is Friday! Unfortunatly, I have to work the 3rd shift tonight, (what I do for money!) Anyhow, I have a camping trip tomorrow and I need to rest up for it. There are going to be lots of people there and I want to be energetic enough for all the activities going on there. We are also having a cookout and I LOVE cookouts! No updates or recommendations, just blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.

It is Sunday and I didn't have as much fun as I thought I would camping. Not many people wanted to play games and I felt like the odd man out. I didn't think I pissed anyone off. Anyway, I am back in my small apartment again and tomorrow is another day of work, work, work. It was kinda disappointing I was built up with excitement about the camping experience and it ended up not so fun at all. Better luck next time I suppose. Once again, nothing new is added to the site, just more ramblings of me on the keyboard.

Happy Birthday Logan!

I have been such a slacker on my site this month! To keep you all up to date...

I have tried to avoid typing as much as possible lately due to my misfortune Friday of smashing my fingers between two metal fixtures. I have a finger brace on each hand. I am a proud owner of Farscape Volume 7...and it took me forever to find. The episodes just get beter as always, as for getting me a view on earlier episodes that i never saw. Finally, I bought a Seto Kaiba Starter deck on the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game. Also the new expansion decks called Metal Raiders came own and I bought 10 packs of those as well. That is about it for the update. Nothing new is added. No site reccomendations. Next month should be more eventful. Later!!!

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Spare Parts!

It's the links page!
Say...are those waves I smell???
Waves Part II...the sequel!
A little bit of Farscape...the ULTIMATE in sci-fi!
Let the games begin!
Doomtrain Z's Art Gallery!
Pittsburg Steelers!
The ancient scrolls of the site!
My brain

Email: doomtrainZ@aol.com