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Welcome, enjoy my page...and don't do anything...bad...or I might have to kill you!!!!

Johnny C./NNY/Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Age: Roughly 20-23 miserable yrs.
Weight: a twig-like 115 lbs.
Height: 5'9"
Likes: Classical music, or at least Ode to Joy. Killing people who look down on him. Cherry Fiz-Wiz and Brain-Freezies, the stars, Devi, Squee, Happy Noodle Boy, ALIEN, Edward Scissor Hands, violent art, emotionless insects, the sound of a splitting ribcage.
Dislikes: Mr. Eff and D-boy. People pleading for their lives. "Wacky". Posers. Preps. Cheerleaders. Wannabes. People who look down on him. Smoking. God. The Devil. Those flying bunny things. Sleep. Needing ANYTHING. Being shot in the head.
Poor NNY always gets the shit end of the stick. Totally unwanted in both Heaven and Hell, he has no friends with which to talk about his many many problems. The closest thing he has to a companion is Squee, his nextdoor neighbor, who's terrified of him. People won't accept him for being different, and when he finds somebody who gets him, he has to "immortalize the moment". Truely a creepy guy, but all he wants is a little bit of happiness. Or at least for the screams to die down.

Zim. He's a tiny Green Irken with no friends...well besides GIR who is in turn extremly insane. Zim having begged the Tallest for a planet to conquer was sent to an unknown planet...Earth He hasn't made much progress aside from making one enemy, Dib, and finding out that all the irkens are far more ahead then he is himself.

Zim is someone that every one loves. He's gone through many changes..all eppy's listed in Zim MADNESS!

And last but not least. Jhonen C. Vasquez. He was born September 1, 1974 and is 27 years old. He has a hobbie of making comics about himself at times and aloso JTHM (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) and has a show on Nick to give little children nightmares: IZ (For all of you that don't know what IZ is Invader Zim.) He is my god, and after all should be all of yours. He co-writes most of the invader Zim eppisodes and does voices (The computer, Old Kid, that NASA PLACE guy who screams about the "asteroid", etc...). If you don't see his name then you are looking for the wrong thing, it's Mr. Scolex. That is Jhonen, so when reading the credits watch out for that name. Jhonen did cameos of himself and Steve! In Darkharvest, The Wettning, Attack of the Saucer Morons, Germs, Tak- The Hideous New Girl, and I've yet to find the other ones, but sadly he says he will not do anymore cameos, he thinks it "Takes away from the story" That makes us all sad, with..stomach...turning...constantly screaming He seems to have this impulse to put pigs in his work, but in reality, he does not like them at all. That and jelly beans. He does not like jelly beans. Don't send them to him, he won't like that.

When you celabrate Jhonen's Birthday, make sure to cover yourself in honey and run around naked...I know that's what I am doing..and...Jhonen's Hair is now PURPLE! yes purple it's a GAZ faze..

NAME: Devi D. (my personal favourite)
AGE: ??
WEIGHT: 120 (more with the bottles of mace she carries now)
HEIGHT: 5'9"
LIKES: films by Terry Gilliam and Mike Leigh, stars, ghost stories, painting, driving with the stereo on loud, reading, and meeting guys who aren't criminally insane.
DISLIKES: people writing like Lovecraft who aren't Lovecraft, not liking girls enough to give up on guys, shitty dates (literally), people who think they know ANYTHING about religion, and being attacked with really sharp things.
INFO: When Devi's not attempting another doomed social outing, she paints, or reads anything that does not try to re-create reality. Her childhood was reality enough to suit her. Her history with men is not the best, but it did not reach a frightening low until she went out with Johnny C. Before that, they had pleasent conversations, about anything in particular, at the book store she works at. His attempt on her life did NOT strike her as very romantic.

And now for my last page..phew...It's all the pictures..well good pictures that people have drawn on a doodle chat...And they are all copy writed so you cannot do anything illeagal with them..YOU HEAR ME!!!

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If you have any comments on my page. You can e-mail me at You can tell me if I have any information wrong in here. I know I probably do. You can also e-mail me to tell me if any of my pictures don't work. Thank you for looking at my page.

Diff pages

Johnny's Page
Zim's Page
Jhonen's Page
Devi's page
And computer made pictures by my friends
SOUNDS and such
