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Following the flash of bright blue, wondering if it was some sort of lost jewel in the sand you come upon instead a beautiful Kiezo Flit.

She smiles at you, "Hi there traveler, I just moved's very lovely. And it's close to mom which is nice...though I miss my father and siblings." You smile and greet her back telling her your name and such. You also ask who her mother is, she laughs, "Oh my mom is Miriel...I'm sure you just came from meeting her, Kylie and Ciryn." You nod saying that was true. She chuckles, "It's funny isn't it? She seems so shy at first but once she's with those two she is so outgoing, plus I'm sure that teasing Kylie and Ciryn brings her no end of enjoyment."

Just then Miriel calls out, "Elasta! Time to go hunting for dinner! YOu can talk to the traveler later!!" And with that Elasta gets up, "OKay Mom, just a minute!" She turns to you, "Well, it was nice to meet you however brief, I look forward to seeing you some other time traveler...Good-day!" With that She flits away and a moment later you saw a flight of Kiezo Flits flying away to hunt. A glimmer of white and blue over on a sand dune turns your head from the flight. At first you were not sure if you were looking at another kiezo or something completely different because of the large blue butterfly wings that graced the back. The rest of the body was white and the eyes were yellow.

Looking over her shoulder and through her wings at you the white one remains expressionless. At least she didn't have any kind of expression that a traveler could understand. After a long moment of sweat dropping consideration she speaks to you. "Selenaye..." Was that a greeting or a name? She didn't clarify further and before you could ask you are attacked!

By a cute and cuddly red kiezo with a unicorn horn and six limbs. He was also quite energeticly bouncing on your shoulders. "Yay, a traveler!! A Traveler finally came to visit me! It's been so long since that last one! They never come back, I don't know why...I thought they all had a great time with meeeee, I had a great time with theemm!" Oh boy...was this was never wacko! Not to mention careless with his claws, ouch! Coming to your aid very much like she's done it a hundred times before is the butterfly winged kiezo.

"Jedin! Stop that at once you're terrorizing the travaler again. If you want them to come back you have to stop scaring them away." Her voice was harsher than you expected from one so pure looking. The bouncing wieght left the traveler's much abused shoulders to scrabble about in the sand. "I'm not terrorizing it! And it's not scared it'll come back this time, won't you, won't you, won't you?" He pleads hyperly with the traveler.

All Kiezo Flits are from Sirah's Realm.