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Silent Rainforest

You follow the stallion, leaving Vasar and Kyana behind. He didn't tell you his name, but you weren't about to ask. taking a turn in the trail, you see leagus mare sleeping. But...there was something very strange about her. She had scales like a reptile instead of fur!

Trying not to stare at her, you look around for others. The stallion who had come with you wasn't very helpful you thought in providing information. Something must have shown on your face for he suddenly speaks, "Forgive me, I seemed to have forgotten afew polite niceties. I'm Tigikan and the yonder lady is Zamiere." Finally you know both their names! You tell him yours in a quiet voice and you both exchange some polite conversation before being interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Tigikan? Who is that there with you?" A big eyed rainbow maned mare asks. She was a delicate shade of pink. Tigikan smiles, "Oh it is just a traveler come to see us leagi. Traveler I present to you Naisa." Naisa bows her head giggling. "Oh, Tigikan I fear the traveler will become bored long before it meets us all." You shake your head saying never, how could a humble traveler ever become bored with such wonderful beings like the Leagi to meet?

A laugh rings out at your gallent words. "How gallent of you traveler. Don't you think so Naisa?" Naisa nods giggling. "Yes, I do Ravera, but I must say I rather enjoy such gallentry every now and then." A black mare with colored markings looking very much like Vasar, she was probably his daughter. There was a bird like marking on her flank that suddenly moved and flew to the ground before you, hissing. It was a pheonix! You jump back in surprise. While the firey bird chirped and flew about Ravera's head. The black mare smiles. "It is a gift that sometimes appears in my mother's side of the family. Not so often in the grand-offspring such as I, but I was lucky." She turns and starts walking away the pheonix gaily calling out above her head.

You give your salutations to Tigikan and Naisa and follow the trail.

All Leagi are from The EverRealm