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Flowers. Illusion. Balance.

Sent on by Siamuun with reassureances that there would be no more earthquakes to worry about and with an odd warning of,
"Be careful not to step on the flowers." The traveler makes it's way further into Raveen Kat territory unaware of the next surprise waiting around the bend. There, a field full of purple and black flowers. They were everywhere, in every nook and cranny there could be. Standing there goggling at them all the traveler doesn't notice the sarcastic look of a large green kat with small black wings. In fact one would say that she didn't look very impressed at all.

Looking down at it's feet nervously, wondering how it was going to aviod stepping on any of the flowers, the traveler swallows. There were some stepping stones on this small trail and the traveler carefully starts stepping on those. The green raveeness watches it's clumsy attempt and finally says quite dryly, "You really needn't bother, though I really prefer my flowers not to be stepped on I can understand how it is difficult not to step on some of them, so please stop walking so rediculously." Her green tail flicks. Stung the traveler glares at the raveenness and proceeds to walk normally, which surprisingly made stepping on the stones easier. Personally it wondered why all the Raveens here were so...not very nice. It'd met a huge number of unicorns and they had all been kind to it, but these kats were another story altogether. It decides to sum it up in one word, carnivoires.

The green Raveeness smirks slightly, "Having a rough time lately? I wouldn't be at all surprised from the look of you...we're not a very easy going or trusting lot." Having reached her the traveler shrugs and dusts off it's clothes alittle bit. "The hazards of making journeys through new places is nothing new to me. Just have to dust off and keep going," it replies to her. She chuckles, amusement lighting up her eyes, "Well said, well said little traveler. I suppose you want to know who I am? Yahana is the name and I am a Flower type, Sub-element of Earth. I am sure you had quite the run in with Siamuun and Ishlan back there but don't worry you won't be facing any more such traumas here in my company. You get a break for a short while at least. Until, someone else comes along anyhow." The traveler changes it's opinion of Yahana slightly, she was gruff, but not unkind she reminded the traveler of a Lady in a way. She had that certain air about her and manner of trying to make the guest feel comfortable.

A shadow falls across Yahana's face, turning around the traveler finds a grey raveen has arrived. "I see you have taken in another one of those travelers, Yahana. I don't see how you can stand them, personally." The newcomer did a very good job of looking down his nose at the travaler, which was probably helped by the fact that he appeared to have a third eye in his forehead. o.o

Catching the traveler staring he growls, "Yes, I have The Curse, stop gawking! Be glad that I don't see anything involving you in the future as it'd only be something extremely violent." Sneering he leaves the undesirable presense, finding it way beneath him.

Yahana looks annoyed, "Oh, don't mind him travaler. Tsuuriai is just anti-social that way, plus I don't imagine that being forced to see what he sees made anything any better. He wasn't kidding about not seeing you in the long as nothing extremely violent happens to you, be glad of that."

On to Bennuu.


Raveen Kats Come From The Battle Pride