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favorite links to birth and beyond

Birth stories and references

Thank You for coming to my web site!!!!

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I hope I can answer most of your questions and give You an idea of what I offer in terms of services for womon and their families. My name is Zuki, a japanese name I was given by my grandmother, meaning "sweet" I am from the middleast and was adopted by Syrian Americans and raised in NY. I came out west about 5 years ago, after 9 years of study,and vast types of hands on healing work. In my 13 yrs of apprenticeship with pregnancy and birthing, massage ,energy work ,and being a mom, I decided it was time to share what I have learned and dedicate my life to this service.

From my statistical study and observations the rate of womon who can give birth without interventions is about 95% to date. I have seen this with my own eyes, and believe that in this country we are not giving ourselves as womon the fullest credit to our capabilities. We need to recognize that in America we are not as progressive as we think concerning the birthing rights of womon. We are in the highest percentile of fetal and maternal mortality. This means that in the US we have more unnecessary intervention leading to higher rates of ceserean,and deaths for moms and babies than any other country. This is changing slowly but surely with the efforts of our sisters and their partners educating themselves to have better preventative care and births.

I have been involved with unassisted childbirth, and am a believer in water labour and birth. I have a tub that I rent or use with my clients.

11 years ago my son was born into my own hands and nothing is better. My philosophy is one of prevention of complications by nutrition,excercise,visualization, meditation and council.

Most of the families I serve already have a basic understanding about their health and capabilities, I am just facilitating what they already know as far as pregnancy and birthing. I do hold in a strong way that we intuitivly know when we need assistance. Womon know their bodies well enough to give birth, so with this I will wish you the very best, and if you would like to talk feel free to email me with a number or address so I can send You more information or with any questions you may have.

Education/ trainings

The following modalities I utilize in my work with others, traditional Midwifery training,,( passed down knowledge,hands on )formal direct entry training (clinical work and study) childbirth education/ unassisted childbirth / water birth Labour / birthing assistant massage / shiatsu/ deep tissue/ intuitive body work ( one massage a month during pregnancy included) Reiki 1,2,3 ( a part of my work with families) drawing , visualizing what you want for your birth experience/sibling envolvment and preperation for new born/ husbands catch their babies with mother I am available to those seeking more then just a caregiver, but to regain their own capabilities as their own best caregiver. I work with other birthing people. I have references from past clients as well as a great resources for referrels. My Phylosophy is that you are your best resource in choosing the right path for You and Your baby. We have no rules about what is right except our true nature of being. We are born with no preconceived ideas as to what lies ahead of us in our lives, so we must give life a chance to unfold in the presence of its creators, Mother and Father .It is a sacred honor to work with womon who choose me as their assistant and I am here for you. I work for you. I am not going to tell You what to do or what not to do. I will be the best guide I can be in giving all my knowledge and learning from you

as the source of the divine mother creator

Blessings Zuki