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CK whispers : "U peekin' at my page"?? LOL..smiling heart

This Is Me Eddie

Hello my friends!!!!


~~~ to Country Kid's new Homepage! ~~~

Have A Beer On Me LOL

I'm Country Kid......most of u know me as CK :).

Come on in.....the beer is cold...*cheers* beer

...but make sure u dont have TOO much of the FREE Virtual "good stuff" while browsing.....because then u will look like this....:))))drunken mouse*LOL*
Believe me ....I tried it and it happened to me......*LOL*

I love playing spades, and Euchre, I also play pinochle that I have the hang of it. :))))))))))))).

I also love the country rather then the city thats why my nickname is countrykid...:))))))))....I have 3 dogs and am very fond of them!!.....their names are Lady, Sadie and Lucky (Lady is just a puppy). Spunky was my Favorite dog but she passed away in 2004 (she is a pom and my favorite ..*LOL*)


I have 2 lovely kids and they are Brittany (age 19) and Eddie (age 16)...

I love meeting new people and making new friends!!!! Please meet my very special

and last but not least check out my very fun Family Fun Links!! lots of neat unusual links there! *enjoy*. 2 of my sisters and my love also have homepages please check them out also:)))))). The links to these pages and others on my site are in the drop down menu below:))))))

Rob is the oldest of my 3 sisters.

Debbie is the next in line of my 3 sisters.

Sherri is the youngest of us but doesn't have a homepage yet not sure why maybe cause she is too lazy to make 1 LOL.

MaryEllen she is the love of my life :)))))))

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E-mail me at
I love receiving mail:)).....(u can click on geobanner on top to mail me) but would love it even more..if u could take a few minutes to sign my guestbook below ......thanks:))))

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Please come back soon and visit me, to see the changes I have never know with me I am full of surprises and love to clown around!!!!clown


Luvhearts award
Today November 25,1998 I received my first award ...from Luvheart

Hot Site award
Today May 9,2000 I received my second award, please click on the pic to visit IdaLeo's homepage. My Love MaryEllen refered her to my page for the award:))))

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Background by Marie