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[UPDATED on 03/02/2015] >> e-mail me for orders:

these are no telephonecards but very collectable giftcards that can be used in Starbucks Coffee Shops. All cards listed are in excellent condition, without credit on them.

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Payment:Bank transfer with BIC & IBAN preferred.
For small amounts I do accept payment by and

For inquiries and questions about certain cards listed here or cards that you have seen elsewhere, for the story behind an interesting card or specific further information please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Fuer Bestellungen oder Anfragen schicken Sie bitte ein e-mail an:

Pour des commandes ou des demandes de renseignements veuillez le E-mail:

Per gli ordini o le inchieste vogliate il E-mail:

Para las ordenes o las investigaciones satisfaga el E-mail:

GSM: +43 / (0)699 / 818 44009