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 the freaks of heaton moor

Hello, and welcome to Brook and Angeliques website, I am your host on this magical journey through the world wide web, any questions along the way, I will be happy to answer, donŽt be shy, just let me know. For those who do not know how to use the internet, you are doing well to get this far. simple rule of thumb, if  the arrow turning into a hand, you can click it and it takes you somewhere else. but always remember, THERES NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! so kick back relax, and enjoy

I am sure that some of you are asking why set up an internet page. good question! Two reasons really, no, I mean three. First I think it is funny that people anywhere in the world can have a look at my not so crazy life. Second I am off travelling soon with Angelique, and I want people to see what they are missing. and finally for a couple of schools that will be following our progress in Africa.(you know who you are) but more details of that later. The picture on the left is me and my loved one, not the best photo, but now I have my new camera maybe one will turn up! (two months later, and still waiting!)

Those of you who do not know us, we are currently living in Manchester,  England (yes I know, the city of the commomwealth games!) I work for Cable and Wireless, and Angelique works at a Bar in Manchester. We would love to spen more time together, but to get the cash to go travelling, we need to work our socks off!


We are saving our money to go travelling in Jauary, with our first stop an opportunity to do volunteer work in Ghana, Africa. It took alot of searching the net to find an organisation that looked good value (it is not always free to volunteer!) and we eventually found the "Global Volunteer Network" who have been really helpfull, and friendly. Thanks to Colin for setting it all up for us. To see the website click here.    We are really excited about it, more info on the volunteer page.

After the volunteer work we were thinking of travelling the world, but we have worked so hard to get this cash together, we want to make sure it lasts We hopefully will find a bar on a beach in France that we can buy or rent or something, and have a fantastic life! Please leave a note in my guest book, I would be happy to hear from you

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