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12/17/2002: Greetings from wherever the hell it is I have been hiding. I do apologize for the lack of activity and stuff on my site, but what can I say, I was trying to put together three papers for class, plus deal with a documentary project. However, I am not on break, and well, if things go the way I am hoping, I will be able to get more writing done and stuff. I have begun work on a new story which is thus far being called "Justin." It is about a young man who is uprooted from his city just when he and a friend realize how they feel about each other...happy ending or not?? I am still not sure...the poll is gone, thanks for those of you who gave me some was greatly appreciated.

10/09/2002: OK, so I still have not added any new stories. I know, shame on me, BUT, perhaps my readers here can help me out a little bit. See I am in me Senior year of college, and I am working with some great people on a theoretical documentary tentatively titled F**k Buddy. Yes, you can guess some of the stuff we will be covering in this. But right now we need YOUR help. Click on the the button above called POLL, and go and fill out the questionnaire. It is totally confidential, and your input will most likely prove to be invaluable. Thanks in advance, and I PROMISE, I really am working on some new stories. So hang in there with me. Cheers!!

05/07/02: Well, I am finally becoming much more proficient in web design, and HTML, thanks to one of my degree classes I need to graduate. I guess now I can say, I really did learn something in college. Anyways, I am redesigning the entire site myself, and will perform my own updates, as I feel they are necessary. My good friend, known as X-Design, is no longer working on the site, as he simply does not have enough time, and I do not have any means by which to actually pay him, so I have elected to take over my site 100%.

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Revised Tuesday, December 17, 2002
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