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Ride Bikes

There are no fucking words to describe the type of love us BMXers have for our sport and our bikes. This love comes from the fullfillment, the fun, the thrill, the exhiliration riding gives us. Every fucking time i go out there and ride the emptiness leaves me, I feel happiness, agression, fullfillment, and an insatiable hunger to go ride more. No one can understand what the fuck any of this means to me, except for fellow riders. People see it as only a sport, it is more than that, more than can be explained by words. Only certain aspects can be described with words. Riding is hopping a fence and riding an empty public pool all night. Riding is going out there and enjoying the freedom of your bike. Riding is finding something that no one else has found and riding it. Riding is exploring a whole city. Riding is that aggressively happy feeling you get after a great day of riding. Riding is being so sore when you wake up that you can barely move but you still go out and ride anyways. Riding is life. -Greg Han

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