My Crushes ;)

Notes from Natasha:

  • This page of my site basically has no purpose, but me expressing my "love" for these cool celebs. Also, if you know any cool celebs that you think should be on this site... E-mail Me! :)

    Frankie Muniz- How can people not love him? He's just so cute! lol. Why do I like Frankie? Well, that's a good question first of all, he has to be one of the cutest guys I've like ever seen! :) But that's not the main reason why I like him [really it's not!]. He seems really cool. Like someone I would want to hang out with. He's really funny, and he can play the drums which is really cool. I hope one day he's in a band. That would be so cool. I would definatly go see them play. He's also a great actor! I just loved "My Dog Skip"! He was so good in that! It was a really sad movie though. He is also great on Malcomn In The Middle. Well... I better stop talking about Frankie or else I should call this my 'why I love Frankie Muniz page...'

    Heath Ledger- He is such a cutie! I just loved a Knights Tale! That movie was great. I guess Heath just most be really hot or something, because in the begining when he had like a beard and dred-locks he still looked hott, which is well amazing! After all, not many males can pull off that whole dred-lock thing. He also seems like such a sweetie! And plus Lance likes him, why shouldn't everyone! lol. I can't wait to see more movies with him in them.

    Wade J. Robinson- Where do I begin with Wade? He is an AMAZING dancer, and not to mention MAD hott! I think it's so cool that him and Nsync are like friends. It's really fun to watch the video for POP and look for Wade and Joey. lol. I guess I just have too much time on my hands, but it really is fun! Wade also seems like a hard worker which is cool, because I doubt most people his age aren't as dedicated as he is.

    Clint- Clint is from the Real World/Road Rules [10] casting special. And boy oh boy is he hott! lol. The first time I watched the show I didn't even notice him till the end, but after watching the casting special many more times [it was on MTV remember, they re-air everything 100 times] I noticed him and how cool he was. I feel that since he wasn't chosen for either show that we, the viewers, didn't really get to know him or the other "kicked out" cast members. But hey what are you gonna do? So, if you wanna see more with this hottie Clint, watch the casting special! After all, it is MTV so that means it will air about 5 million times. :)

    Matt - This is Matt from the Real World New Orleans. He's just so cool! I like his website too, it's cool. For those of you real world watchers were you not super pissed at Julie when she signed his guestbook pretending to be that girl he met at a club? He looked so heart broken and stuff! I felt so bad for him. He's also a major cutie! lol. I also think his great morals and is a great role model. He seems to be a really nice person and I hope to get the chance to me him someday [or any of the guys on this page for that matter! lol].