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The Only Site On The Internet

Hey all who stumbled across this site! I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you did! I am a very inexperienced web-surfer, i.e HTML language looks like something I would see in a very cryptic dream, you know like in The Simpsons, where Homer eats a jalapeno pepper and halucinates? yeah, sort of like that. anyway, i will try to learn it, so I can make my page a little less generic....well, i guess this is the part where i say "come back because i will be adding to the site" and all that stuff, even though i hate when people write that, beacuse you never come back. if it's not interesting the first time, it's not interesting the second. Although, i will be adding, because, like i said, i am very inexperienced and wish to be part of the "i have a website!!" group. or, at least visit the link i put here, since they are very good (or I wouldn't have added them!!!) Will the surfer ever return?!?!? Will this builder ever learn HTML?!?!? Will Marsha ever tell Brady about Chad's half-brother's second cousin twice removed on her mother's side, her airplane bathroom affair!?!?! find out next time, in As The Cursor...Clicks. goodbye, your omnipresent site master, jen Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

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