Anna Banana's World

Last Updated 02/10/03

Wellz this is all you ever and never wanted to know about me.
My name's Andria A.K.A Ann
I'm 18 years old
I live in Canada
I have the most adorable puppy
My hair is naturally dirty (and ugly) blonde
At the moment it is some sorta blonde (10ish months of not dying my hair YAY!)
I have blue eyes
I wear glasses AND contacts
At the moment I'm not much of a make-up wearer
I'm 5'7, though I lean more towards 5'8 ;)
Ummmm I weigh about 105ish lbs
I HATE tight clothing, I NEED to breathe!
I don't really have a style, and I don't care
I LOVE my blue NC ball cap
I love to wear rings, and I have a couple really expensive ones
I LOVE baggy clothes
Blue and pink are my favorite colors
I love playing sports, and am on a badminton team at school
I love to write, and read, and I'll admit to it!
I am very artistic, but I can't draw or paint, (go figure that one out!)
I love pretty much all music
I have 60 cds and counting...
Abuse in any form shouldn't be tolerated
I hate to lie
I want two tattoos; an angel on my right shoulder and a devil on my left
My hair has been every color in the book (well almost)
I hate when people finish my thoughts for me when they have no clue what I'm thinking
I don't understand why people ask questions that they don't want answered, or say they understand something when they don't
I have a hard time looking people in the eye
I am beginning to think that I have a phobia of people
It pisses me off even more when someone tries to make me laugh and I'm already pissed off
I'm stubborn
People's moods usually rub off on me
I hate to see people getting pushed around
I think I'm pretty (though you wouldn't catch me admitting it) Oh wow look at that I just did!
I have a big thing against feet
I LOVE tummies, all of em!
My favorite flowers are marigolds and yellow roses
I really hate winter, love summer
Love hot, hate cold (go figure!)
My favorite flavours of ice cream are French Vanilla and Strawberry Daquiri
I LOVE pizza, especially if it has ham and mushrooms on it!
I try not to judge someone before I get to know them, and I think I do a good job of it, though there's the occasional slip up
I hate what people do sometimes but I can't actually hate the person
War is pathetic by all stretches of the imagination, if you can't forget at least attempt to forgive.
I still wish on stars
I think it's impossible to fight for peace, when you're fighting for it, you're also making war.
People's opinions do have an effect on me, but not so much that I'd change myself to be their doll.
Life scares me more than death does.
I hate making decisions.
I'm a naturally quiet person.
I usually laugh completely silent and look like a dork in doing so. :)
I'm beginning to think I can be happy.
I am starting to look past the things in the past.
I am me, and if you can't understand that FUCK YOU.
I am starting to really miss writing in my OD
More to come when I'm not so tired and non-thinkish

Ann's Surefire Ways To Get Unpissed Off

  • Turn music up as loud as it goes and scream along to it (usually not a good thing if parents are around)
  • Do yourself up fancy and go nowhere
  • Go roller blade, walk, or drive, just plain get outa the house!
  • Redecorate room (energy=creativity!)
  • Rent a really sappy movie that you've seen a million times and have a good cry.
  • Write some really deep stuff which nobody (you included) will know what you're talking about two days later!
  • Look through old photo albums and laugh at how dorky you were!
  • Go someplace quiet where no one's around for miles and just scream your lungs out!
  • Go out in the middle of the night and swing!
  • Find one hella good listener to like listen to you!

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