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The Attic

Some pictures will live here. Hopefully I can get some more of me scanned.

This one was Chris and I at prom. We had a lot of fun.

This is me again, from prom night. Just me this time though.

This is the tattoo that I just got. The picture is kind of blurry. When I get a better one I will replace this picture.

So I dyed my hair..... like a brownish black color. I like it this way better. So here are some pics. The ponytail one is quasi bad, but whatever. It was taken very early in the morning when I was still all sleepy and still in my pajamas and such. If the links are working,it might be because they are uploaded on my other angelfire account, and they dun like it when we link back and forth, so you might have to do the right click, properties thingy and look at them that way in a different browser. I sowwy.

My favorite one. Yaye! I use this one in my yahoo profile.

Bad one.

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