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Amanda's World

This is my newly created website, so bear with me while it's under construction. I have no real purpose in putting a website together other than that almost all of my friends have had or do have websites currently and I was feelin' left out. I'm a slave to peer pressure, what can I say? For little more information about me, click here

This is a picture of my friend Ron and I taken in my apartment in Virginia. Ron is one of my best friends and he lives VERY far from Gainesville and UF - all the way in Boston actually. And if I don't visit him soon, he'll be finished with his undergrad degree so it's about time I plan a trip to Harvard I think.

My Favorite Web Sites

My trip to New York
Ron's Homepage!
My Friends
It's Great to be a Florida Gator!
My friend Andrew's band, they rock!

3 Best Things about Being a Gator
