~!~JuSt SoMe PiCTuReS~!~


This is the part of my page where u can see some pictures. There's not many of them right now, but i could only find these! LoL!
If u got a picture, plz send them to me, and ill put it up!

Well, I got great news for u ppl (not so gr8 news for me tho'...)! I put up my pictures! Woohoo! Go me! LoL
No comment plz.... *sighs*


Have fun!
Luv alwayz ~n~ 4eva,
Da CaKe! xxx

Me and my friendz

I'm the short gurl in the middle! Dont laugh at my uniform plz!

Me & Ma BaBiE!
As u can see, this is me and my babie... i'll put up a picture of us both up soon aight?!

Yup yup, i know, i know... Cute couple right? ;-) hhihi!

Ben, Aka Pineapple!

This is a picture of Ben, also known as Pineapple!
He lives in England, but he can always make me laugh when i need to! And i'm really gr8full for that!
I luv u, Piney! xxx

Ally (aka Pandah!)

This is a picture of my friend, Ally! Her friendz call her Panda, or Miss Thang, or whatever! LoL
I think she's a very pretty gurl and she's kewl too!
And can everybody plz stop asking me who she is, coz im getting sick of it! huh! ;-)
Luv u, babez!! xxx

This is a picture from Danny Fitts (aka Sttify!)! He's an amazing guy, who i think is VERY bangable! LoL!
Luv u hun! xxx

Hey, This is Stephanie, also known as Bert! (I'm Ernie aight? LoL!)
If anyone's going to talk shit about her... dont! coz ull have to deal with me first! got that?!
Not like u actually COULD talk shit about her, coz she's da best! ;-)
Luv u babez!! and im glad everything's kewl now! we're goin up again! ;-)

This is my X-bf and a very good friend of mine, Umberto! Cute pic huh? LoL!
He is like So F---cking funnay! LoL!
I luv u babez!

This is Stephan! The ex bf of my ex friend, Clio!
Omg! i think this guy is so f---in hot! HAHAHA!
But ofcourse... (u know what im going to say right?) NOT AS HOT AS MY BABIE! ;-)

Now this, everybody, is my friend, i mean... Li'L SiSSiE, Line with her boyfriend, Joao!
Aren't they cute? ;-) Hee hee!


~*!Ma BoYz, GuRlZ ~n~ CuTe CupLz!*~
