~*!AbOuT DaT FuCkaLiCiOuS ThAnG!*~

Hey Hey!

This part of my site is about Da CaKe! herself, or as Steven would put it, Da Grand Masteress! LoL!

Well, let's see... What could i say in here? Hmmm... A'ight, let's start from the top!

I was born in Antwerp, on the 5th of June, 1986. (That makes me 14! Ha! Ooh me can calculate! Go me!)
I was a fat/phat baby. (Oh gosh... i was so fat, my head looked like a bastketball!)

Oh... Kay... umm... Why don't we just skip that part...?

From the age of 3, i've always loved music! I would dance on it together with Micheal Jackson and sing to it together with Whitney Houston. LoL!* (I'm not THAT good,...)
i would stand on our toilet in the bathroom, and i'd take my brush and call it my IKAPHONE, before i could even say microphone.
So, i would stand up there, holding a brush, and sing to my audience, which was our towels, the bottles of shampoo, etc.

Sorry i just wanted to try this out

I've been taking dancing lessons since i was 5 and i still love it! But singing is still my life.
Daz why i took singing lessons! I've been taking since i was 7.
I've been dreaming of a singing career for such a long time! I'll let u know if it'll work out or not! :)

Oh yeah... umm... This is supposed to be me dancing LoL duh!!

Right now, at the age of 14, I'm still very short. I'm only 5' tall/short! (daz 154,5 cm!)
I got shoulderlenght hair cut in layers. It used to be black, but the sun kinda bleached it, so it was dark brown then. Then i dyed the top, kinda rust-coloured.
THEN i gave it a dark blue shine. ughe... never mind...
I got dark brown eyes. And i weigh... *cough* 105lbs. *sighs* (no comment plz....)

So, let's move on to my LOVElife huh? :)
I have a very special person in my life, called Duy. He's a real sweetie! We've been dating eachother for 4 months now.
We've had our ups and downs, but i still love him with all my heart!
Don't try to ruin anything! We're the perfect couple! (and i do mean perfect!)
Everybody tells me we're the perfect match! :)
If i can get my scanner workin again, I'll put up a picture of us 2 aight? :)
But here's a pic of him in his BEAUTIFUL house! haha!!

Ain't he cute? ;) Just wait till u see his body! hmmmm.... *dreams about her babie!*


><}}}*><*{{{>< ~~> Me and my babie! ;)

Moving on...
My parents own a restaurant. It is called Golden River, Jade Garden. It's really good! Yumm yumm! :)

I go to a Catholic school, called St.-Ludgardis. And... We gotta wear uniforms. I don't really mind tho'...
Here's a pic of me and my friendz, in school!

See? it aint that bad!

But I gots ta stop now, i still have lots to do on my site!!!!
So i'll TTYL aight?!

Luv alwayz ~n~ 4eva,
Da CaKe! xxx
