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~Anna's Friends~

Hey Anna here....just saying Hi!...well this is where some of my Pictures of my friends so everyone can see them!..well i guess ill talk to you all later!heh Im me on my AOL instant messanger at AnnaBirdAh16 or my yahoo messanger at Luna_Moon_1614 coolz eh? hehe.:0) Byebyes!

Here is everyone i know!...if your not on here..tell me and give me a pic and ill put you on!!!

This is Me in my New Visor!. hehe...wooo hoo...

Look people!!!!!It's A Future Princess and RockStar!!!!!....guess which is Which.....hehe

My brother John!...ahh cute!

This lovely lady is my sister!..hehe Nicole!

This is Amber one of my good friends..hehe

This is another pic of me as a baby!...awww

This is Me as a Baby awww

This is my dog Charlie! hehe adorable!

this is another pic of my brother..adorable!

These are a coulple of my friends that use to live best friend Cassie is the one w/ the brown hair

This is my Best Friend in the Whole World!!!!!Drum Roll Please!....*brrrr* CHARYL ALVARADO!!!!!!

This is Amber and her Boyfriend Andrew. lol what a cute couple!

This is my friend Christinas Brother Steve!

This is on his pic to go to his site..hehe...hes a cool feller! hehe

This is my friend Jared..hes in a cool band called Tuesday Night's Leftovers..hehe....WWW.TNL.IPFOX.COM check it out its awesome!..and hes an awesome guy..very very sweet to me..hehe.

This is Margret! hehe lovely girl.she is soo nice and funny. shes awesome to hang w/.:0)

Now what can i say this is my boy Josiah(Josh)! oh yeah! he is everything good! nice supper funny and as i already told him, He's lookin Fine is this Pic here heheh:0).

This right here is my Gurl Nemeth! lol she is awesome hehes...and soo funny!...MULLETS! WOOO! LOL

This is John. He as u can see is a hottie!heh:0)He is an awesome guy! i love talkin to him. But there is one thing he is obbsessed about....:0)

This is Gene-Paul..humm what else can i say.onmmm..oh yeah Hes Ass.(heh) DrumMajor In the Marching Band. Fun....we suck at our Salute and we will never get it heh

Now these crazy Two are Amber and Alicia!, crazy bunch...look how much the buss windows are fogged! this was after comming back from Darian Lake! what a wet wet day! that was!

This is Me and my little brother front of out lovely house....its a bad pic but i think its cute! lol

This was taken during last years marching band season.heh in the summer...cause ya know every year we go to Darian Lake in USNY..its fun! its me chillin w/ a couple of Mah good friends after going on this water ride for like the 100th time! lol ohhh WETNESS you have to love it! lol


This is us leaving the area.. if it were competition we would have gotten 1st!!!!!

This is the special effects in out show ready...*WOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHHH* hehe...

This is another pic of us leaving the area...and me in the back ground Saluting.:0)

and yes we are finally leaving now hehe no more pics! lol till the next parade! :0)

this is yet again John at the watertown parade watching us hehe

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GO here to see 2 of my fave songs by the Offspring....the first one has like this weird meaning to me and everytime i hear like damn...*cry* heh...i love it so much and the second one is just like a fun song cause ya know we all want thoes bad bad people in our lives heheh *smiles* like a PUNK! wooo HOTNESS! hehehe well im gonna stop b4 i start:0) hehe <3 Anna