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Hiiw many #1 Contenders can there be for the World Wrestling Federation? On Smackdown thursday we all witnessed Kane, Rock, and The Undertaker being Number one contenders for the best title in Federation history. Yesterday at Raw, Rock demanded a title shot because he was # 1 contender...Kane demeanded a title shot because he was #1 contender...The Undertaker just said he would kick all 3 of their asses if it came down to a four way dance [ HHH vs. Kane vs. Taker vs. Rock ] The Faction, or just the evil geniuss himself, said that Rock vs. Kane vs. Undertaker in a Triple Threat match, winner faces HHH for the WWF Title! The faction broke into a big fight, fist fight, bitchslapping fight! Later on they ended up making up. The match got underway after a few others. KAne and Undertaker were knocked out by HHH's chair shot, Rock gave a RockBottem on Kane, 1,2,3! Rock faced HHH, the faction came in after Rock should have been DQed, soon taker and Kane came in and kicked ass, the match was a DQ, no winner.

Sorry about the inconvernince, me being away for a long time. I'll try to get a few people to work for the site, and then i can have ecw results, and more news updated. If you are interested, please E-MAIL me.