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A web site to help you learn the value of life and friendship
by Kristen Lindquist

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    I have included some quotes just to help you think.  Quotes show words at their best.  Sometimes a simple saying can make all the difference in the world.  It can brighten your day, or it can save your life.

Quotes on Love
Quotes on Friends and Friendship
Quotes on Dreaming and Doing
Quotes on Life and Living

   Life. . . a four letter word which without, we would not even exist.  And along with those four letters come many other words... pain, grief, joy, sorrow, serenity.  These words are what we call emotions, feelings that live deep within our soul.  We all have emotions, some may just chose not to expose them.  They keep them bottled up inside, afraid to show the world how they truly feel, afraid that they might be left vulnerable in an unforgiving society.  Others however, express them freely- when they are sad, they cry, when they are happy, they rejoice.  They are not afraid of how people might react, they simply do what their heart tells them.  These actions are the souls way of 'speaking'.  Some may even call it self-expression.  Sometimes, you can say something to someone without ever speaking a word.  Sometimes you are crying out for help, but no one can hear you.  It is at these times, we need our friends the most.
    Everyone has troubles in their lives.  Some may be small and unimportant, while others may threaten your very existence.  We all go through times when we feel as if we are all alone, no one out there understands us.  But, we need to let others in.  True friends will always be there for you.  No matter how dark and depressing the world may seem, it will get lighter.  And with the help of friends, hopefully it will stay that way.
    Many times, the hardest part is to bring your troubles out into the open.  We live in a society that stresses perfection: perfect people with perfect bodies, and perfect families, and perfect homes, and no troubles, not a worry in the world.  Everyone knows that a life like this is unobtainable, but by admitting that we have faults, we crush our dreams of somehow achieving it.  'How can you be perfect if you aren't always happy?' some may think.  The truth is, that we can be 'perfect'. When we stop striving to always be better than the other person, and accept that we all have flaws, individually, we will reach perfection- a time when we are truly happy and thankful for what we do have, and not upset about what we don't.
    But this journey can't be made alone.  If we all had to live our lives without friends, how would we make it?  Some say that without friends, the journey isn't worth it.  So, always be there for others.  Let your friends know how much they mean to you.  Show them that you will always be there to listen.  Sometimes that's all they need, someone to listen.  People may try to help, but when they talk, it only makes the person feel more secluded.  Give advice only when they ask for it. You never know when they may be silently suffering inside.  Many who do, put on a facade and may act even happier then normal.  They just feel like no one is out there who can help.  They feel like no one else is suffering with them, and they are ashamed.  But the truth is that everyone suffers.  People who seem like they have it all don't.  They may simply just have good friends who are there for them, whenever they call.

Link to a web site about coping with a loss, physically or mentally

Always Return Your Phone Calls
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

    Angela knew that Charlotte, her best friend, was having a rough time.  Charlotte was moody and depressed.  She was withdrawn around everyone exceptfor Angela.  She instigated arguments with her mom and had violent confrontations with her sister.  Most of all, Charlotte's bleak and desperate poetry worried Angela.
    No one was on particularly good speaking terms with Charlotte that summer.  For most of her friends, Charlotte had become to difficult.  They had no interest in hanging out with someone who was so bleak and in so much pain.  Their attempts to 'be a friend'
were met with angry accusations of depressed indifference.
    Angela was the only one who could reach her.  Although she would have liked to be outside, Angela spent most of her time inside with her troubled friend.  Then a day came when Angela had to move.  She was going just across town, but Charlotte would no longer be her neighbor, and they would be spending far less time together.
    The first day in her new neighborhood, out playing with her new neighbors, Angela wondered how Charlotte was doing.  When she got home, shortly before twilight, her mother told her that Charlotte had called.
    Angela went to the phone to return the call.  No answer.  She left a message on Charlotte's machine.  "Hi Charlotte, it's Angela.  Call me back."
    About half an hour later Charlotte called.  "Angela, I have to tell you something.  When you called, I was in the basement.  I had a gun to my head.  I was about to kill myself, but then I heard your voice on the machine upstairs."
    Angela collapsed into her chair.
    "When I heard your voice I realized someone loves me, and I am so lucky that it is you.  I'm going to go get help, because I love you to."
    Charlotte hung up the phone.  Angela went right over to Charlotte's house, and they sat on the porch swing and cried.