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This page is dedicated to a very special someone. My youngest sister Karen, 22, is living in Salt Lake City, Utah attending the University there. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to join Mary and I on our adventures around the world to date. Because she isn't in any of my pictures, I've decided that she deserves her very own page. I've chosen the brightest color I could find, representing the light and happiness that she brings to everyone she meets. Ok, I'm getting mushy... Check out a few pictures from over the years, isn't she adorable?

Sesame Street Kid

I love this picture. Mom used to have us stand in front of the fireplace and take snapshots, usually before we went somewhere important (first day of school, Easter Sunday, etc.). I'm not sure what the occasion was on this one but Karen is looking as cute as always.

Karen was born on November 5, 1978 and will forever be the baby of the family. She may be the youngest but she's the tallest of us girls and goes out on a lot more dates too! She has her own sense of style (one that makes me jealous) and looks good no matter what her hair color!

She's currently living with her friend Becca and their cat Bailey. Karen also has a bunny named Chewy and a hampster named Medibly. She and Becca foster cats from the shelter so their place is always full!

All Decked Out

Of all of us girls, Karen was the one who dressed up the most. Here she is at our grandparents in Wisconsin with our favorite doll, Rosie.

Growing up, we weren't as nice to Karen as we could've/should've been. The fact that she turned out normal after years of sibling torture still amazes me. We used to play the 'Medusa Game' (we made it up ourselves) and we drove Karen to tears for hours on end, usually on long road trips. She had hair that went its own way and one of us got the idea that she looked like Medusa. Anyone who looked at Karen would immediately be turned to stone and would lose the game. Seriously hours would go by and we'd all ignore her. I just want to take this chance to say I'M SORRY!! I like to think that she's stronger for it now...

All Decked Out

Because I think that few, if any, people can look back on their middle/high school years with much affection, I've decided to skip over everything right up until age 18. I'll save her from all the other humiliation the 80s may cause.

Here are Karen and myself in her dorm room back in 1997 as we moved her out to Salt Lake City.

And so ends my small tribute to my youngest sister, an amazing woman.
