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Fantasy Haven

You are walking down a long white road, with beautiful trees lining each side. They are tall and strong, and they remind you of the Oaks you have seen back frown. These are not oaks...

A chuckle and a rustle from the trees above you makes you look up, and you see a face shadowed by the branches. Suddenly, whoever it is jumps down and stands before you. It is a girl of about fifteen...but something about her is odd, her long, wavy hair is shock white and her eyes are violet.

She says <"Hello and Welcome, stranger."> But you blink. You hear her voice in your head! Not very Earthly... A chuckle resounds about the clearing. <"No, you are not on earth anymore. You have come to a place of peace and beauty, where all things are equal. It is a haven for those that have been hurt, are in danger, or just want a place to stay. My name is Aldora Nepenthe, and I will be your guide here. This place is new, so it has not been discovered by many, but there will be many more creatures here, including ones to adopt. I myself am learning about Wicca, so there will be things you can find about that, and I am an avid fan of fantasy art, including Japanimation. May you enjoy your stay here, and return soon.">


Samanyrs page

Rie and Cat


Toogle and Firla

Mirth and Chuckle


Xenade and the drigus egg

My Art

<"Otay, Nicole, it's up! For those of you who don't know, Nicole has a very cute page! She's got little people pics to color and everything...::growls:: I need to update my page...">

<"I'm not very active in the webbrawls anymore, but I did think the gifts given by members were lovely. Feel free to go there and look around! I really reccommend it if you're trying to get your site seen.">

<"Look what pixie Jackhammer sent me! Oooo, pretty! Please come vote for my site in the brawls if you like it, it only takes a couple of seconds! Just follow the link to Yearlings Unite1 that he gave!">

Good Luck in Yearlings Unite 1 this week ! And don't forget to vote for yourself everyday !!!
Pixie little sweetie also sent me a cheer! Good Luck in the brawls this week from all the unicorn pixes!

I got Justice here.

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Escape from Reality... Fantasy Haven
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