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(Current NEWS)

~Congratulations: to BEN IRISH for earning the rank of STAR~

Feb. 6, 2001,- Eagle Scout Ryan J. Davis, will be honored at an Eagle Court of Honor officially on March 10, 2001. Anyone interested either from the Troop or community is welcome to call the Davis's to inform them of your attendance. Commendations are also welcome and can be sent via e-mail or can request address as well. Thank You!

Quote of the week- "The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country." Sir Robert Baden-Powell

Nov. 16th 2000,- Game night at the Jay High School-DRESS WARM) Meet at the football field -which has been specially lit for us.

Quote of the week- "The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country." Sir Robert Baden-Powell

Sept. 29th,30th,1st 2000,-Fall Camporee at the Farmington Fair Grounds.
Quote of the Week, "The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others." Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Age 80. From his last letters, September, 1940

Aug. 26 & 27, 2000,-Eagle Project completion at the Old North Community Church in Fayette,
Please attend if possible. This is for Ryan Davis's Eagle project. For Further Questions please contact Ryan
(Sat & Sun ,9:00am-5:00pm lunch and dinner will be provided. Also welcome to swim at the Davis's pool after 5pm.

((If your going to attend please call by 8/24/00.

Sept. 7, 2000,-Troop Meeting,
Please attend if possible. This is our first meeting since the spring. The following week will be troop elections so please attend.(6:30pm at Maury Hall)

~June 22, 2000, 2000-Troop Meeting, Please attend if possible. This is our last meeting until the begining of summer camp.

~May 18, 2000, 2000-Troop Meeting, Personal gear shake-down for the Wilton Jamboree Remember-Bring your gear to this meeting to pack for the trailor immediately after

~May 4, 2000- Troop Meeting, Will be working on menus and rosters for the Spring Camporee.

~Keep Checking For Updates~


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