~*~~*~~~*SwEEt VaLLeY LiLa FoWLeR StYLe*~~~*~~*~

Have u read senior year? Well if u haven't than yur missing out on Jessica's schemes, Elizabeth's dreams, and everything in between? I know, i know! Anyway check out my character galleries:

  • MeLLiSSA FoX
  • wanna get to know about me and my not-so-perfect life click here
    LiZ WaKeFiELd
  • LiZ WaKeFiELd CrAzeE, CliCk Here!
    JeSS WaKeFiELd
  • GoTTa LoVe JeSS... :o)
    Conner McDermott
  • Meet Conner... the guy who took both Maria's and Liz's hearts and tore them to shreds....
    Maria Slater
  • Love Maria the childhood actress.. and longtime friend of Liz..?
    Ken Matthews
  • Have u heard about Ken?¿?
    Tia Ramirez
  • Is Tia all that and a bag of chips?¿?
    WiLL SiMMoNs
  • Is WiLL the love of JeSSica's life or just the one who detroyed it when it finally got back to normal....
    JeReMy AaMeS
  • Jeremy's life is tough... and Jessica knows it... so why did she ruin something so perfect?¿?
    AnGeL DeSMoNd
  • When Angel is off to college he promises his girlfriend Tia that they'll still be as close as ever.... Is it really worth the trouble?¿?
    AnDy MaRsDeN
  • Will he just stand by and watch his friends fall apart?¿?

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    Sweet Valley Fan Webring site is owned by LiLa

    Email: lilafowler@yahoo.com