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The Realm of Soft Delusions

MY RANTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~September 16~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sorrry i haven't updated in so long. I was pleased to see that people actually took my quizlet, even though they all chose "other." I'm in school now, so I'm concentrating on that and I'm dry on ideas for this page. Sigh. I have no current comic inspiration, so if you want the funny stuff look at the guestbook. Fell free to leave joke messages on that thing. If I don' like it I'll delete it. In the meantime, I'll be thinking of more things to add to the site, k?
Goodnight little helpless babes,


All the lovely pages in my pretty little book...

My guestbook
The Hottie List- all my crushes, [sigh]
El Grande Band list-all the bands I like
Likes, Loves, and Obsessions
Jon Stewart-The sexiest talk show host...ever!
Drew Barrymore-The butterfly queen
Links to other peoples pages
