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Shampoo's Flat

This is Jacqui and Carrie's hall way! Look at all the post cards, posters and cool stuff they have up there. I especially love the East 17 calender (behind Carrie's head)There are many pictures of Take That on the wall as well and loads of signs the girls probably nicked from Gigs! :-)Also notice the pack of cards ontop of the Barbie doll's box. Once you have seen the entrence to their home, you cannot help but wonder what the rest of it looks like... Lichtenstein and Whorwhol (can't spell it) would be proud if they saw this! Pop art at it's BEST!

The girls have all their Barbie's in the living room, for all to see, just look at the back ground in this pic. It looks like a toy store in there! Very few of the toys have been taken out of their original boxes, so it might be worth a lot of money one day. But wouldnt we all kill for a Barbie doll that belonged to Shampoo, even if all the hair was cut off? haha... This is my fav picture of Jacqui EVER, she looks so beautiful in it. I wanted to make it poster size...
