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Note: This snippet was written after I loaned a friend my desktop computer. When I got the computer back *nothing* worked right! I couldn't even shut the computer off without turning it off at the power outlet! Just as with Blair, however, it all turned out for the best. (Can we say G3 Powerbook?) *But* I vowed, never again . Never!

The Laptop's Demise


                       Blair stood looking at the remains of his laptop.He'd had that computer since
                       his junior year of undergrad. It had truly served him well.Papers and grading
                       and surfing. E-mails to mom.It had gone everywhere with him. Fit perfectly
                       into his backpack. Three years or more he had lived with Jim. How many times
                       had the loft been trashed? Always the laptop had survived. Trashed office? The
                       laptop fared better than the humans. Use your backpack as a weapon? The lap
                       top made a great mugging tool.

                       Could his laptop go out in a blaze of glory? Nope. Could it save his life by
                       taking a bullet for him? Nope. No, his laptop had to get hit by ... the
                       dreaded loan-it-to-a-friend death trap.


                       Between the money they gave him for killing his computer and his first
                       paycheck from the P.D.  .....Oh, man... that was a down payment on a ....
                       G3 Powerbook!

                       Why hadn't he loaned it out sooner? Where was that MacZone catalog?

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