My name is Valeri. I live in Bangor, Maine (a good town for writers). I am 32 years old. I wrote my first poem when I was in 7th grade. In high school, I found that keeping a daily journal helped me deal with being a shy, introverted person in an environment that demands popularity or deals out ostracization and anxiety. I was in a Creative Writing class my senior year and experimented with different forms of poetry and like my journal, poetry became an outlet for dealing with life. I submitted 2 poems for my school literary magazine, both were accepted and I have been writing ever since. In 1997, I published some of the poems on this page in a (very) small booklet also titled ...details... and delivered them to local bookstores. I went back later and all the copies were gone :D I have had several poems published online and one in a paper poetry journal called "The Wicked" Being the internet lover that I am, I made this page mostly for myself and my friends but I love visitors! I hope you sign my Guestbook :)