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quoth the raven - to read is to know

"prophet!" said i, "thing of evil! prophet still, if bird or devil!--
whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted--
on this home of horror haunted--tell me truly, i implore--
is there--is there balm in gilead?--tell me, i implore!"

quoth the raven "nevermore."

welcome, birds or devils.

arigato, thank you, for coming by.

[last updated: august 7, 2001]

there is a very new addition to our little page, guys. we now have ...

a forum!!!


if you would, please, drop by. register a nick and comment on anything you like. soon we'll have a small community going, and i'll be even happier. arigato!!! ^_^

i hope you enjoy.

~ links ~

kurio's (aka mr. martian) site: if you've ever wanted to know anything about anime, this is the man to ask. great web-building skills as well.

scara's site: a new friend, this guy is amazing. he volunteers to help "the great tigers of the world," and when he comes back, he shares the pictures of the cute baby lions and tigers with me.

nix's site: intense writing here. enter with caution, but if you have an open mind, i insist you give it a shot. lots of pics here, too.

boysetsfire's site: wonderful poetry and a nice site, currently under construction. go and read the poems and bookmark.

nick's site: great poetry although he'd say otherwise, and a nice forum where he posts all the time.

ferrett's den: very good poetry, comes from a completely different sort of life than me or darkangel. intense and sometimes twisted.

amazing eva site ... go just for the banners, then check out everything else.

the funniest comic strip on the net - a must (also the best forum) ^_^

the second funniest comic strip on the net - also a must

great anime artwork from the megatokyo artist

quite the risque comic strip, hehe ... not for the weak at heart.

for all my gamer friends, i send thee this tribute.