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I was privileged enough to take part in a musical last year, Fiddler on the Roof. I played the part of Shprintze, (nick-named Sprite by cast mates, because of the unpronounceable Jewish name) Tevye's second to youngest daughter. I got a full 8 lines which I was very proud of, a seat at the main Sabbath prayer table, a name, and a kiss on the forehead from Andy Soemo (lol). It was a really fun experience, so I thought I'd share it with you! Here are my favorite pics, all in thumbnails, so if you want the bigger version, click on one!. Enjoy! 

The program to Fiddler On the Roof

Me and my sisters!! Sharon Voss (Hodel) and Cassie Koldenhoven (Chava) were my older sisters, and Ashley Afman/Hannah Wagle was my younger sis (Thursday and Saturday Ashley was Bielke, and Friday Hannah was).

Rachy visiting me backstage (she played violin in the orchestra for the musical). 

Ashley Afman, Andrew Arrington, and Stacy Rodgers (Bielke and two townspeople). 

Joel Funk attacking Don Canton (both boys were townspeople). 

Don striking a pose. 

A cute picture of Joel and Don. 


Stacy and me (I MISS YOU STACE-A!!!! We need to go to Emperor's Kitchen....)

David Chase, a.k.a. Tiny Tim!

Sean Scales trying to look dignified.....

The cast watching Mr. Day open the show on the Telemonitor. Notice the interesting drawings on the chalk board; courtesy of the upperclassmen boys. 

The Fiddler set, courtesy of Mr. Senti (who built it), Mr. Hartgerink (who designed and painted it), and everyone on the sets committee. 

One of our directors, Mr. Day, opening the show with prayer and a brief synopsis.

What would Fiddler on the Roof be with out the fiddler? Kevin Chevalia, who also played the part of Jamie in the movie Homeward Bound, was The Fiddler.


Our full cast during the song "Tradition" that opened the show.


Me and my two "sisters", Bielke on the left (Hannah Wagle) and Chava on the right (Cassie Koldenhoven).


I finally get a line! "Mama, can I go out and play?"


My forehead kiss! This is the scene where all the daughters get in a line, and Tevye (Andy Soemo) kisses each on the forehead and says, "This is mine! And THIS is mine! And this....this is definitely not mine." when he comes to Motel, the tailor (Dan Swierenga).


This is Motel, Bielke, Shprintze, and Golde (Tracy Afman) looking at what is probably is Perchik (Kyle VanderMeulen) talking to Tevye (both not shown). I'm pretty sure this is the scene where Tevye introduces Perchik to the family and says he'll be the baby girls' (Bielke and Shprintze) teacher.


I think this is the same thing, Shprintze and Bielke looking at Perchik (again, not shown).


  Bielke and I peeling potatoes. This picture was taken during the little daughter's "big scene", where we're getting a lesson taught to us by Perchik, sitting on a bench, peeling potatoes. I get to say TWO LINES during this scene, and look at Perchik like he's crazy a lot. It's a great scene.


 This is Bielke, Shprintze, and Motel looking warily at Fyedka (Matt Houseward, not shown), a Russian who came into the Tailor Shop to get his shirt (and to secretly flirt with Chava!).


These are all the people coming into Motel's tailor shop after the baby is born (but most of them just want to see his new sewing machine!! (from left to right):  four villagers (Sharon Tiedt, Joel Funk, Don Canton, Josh Hendriksen), Mendel the Rabbi's son (Eric Holtrop), Avrahm the Bookseller (Pete Rizzuto), and Mordcha the Innkeeper (Dave Boven).


This is Bielke and Shprintze, marveling at the wonders of Motel's sewing machine. Yes, I did make some weird expressions when looking at the sewing machine, but remember, this play was based in 1905, if I was a REAL little kid, I had never seen a sewing machine before! So if you were looking at, say, a million dollars for the first time, you'd make funny faces too!


After we got bored with the sewing machine, Bielke and Shprintze go over to their older sister, Tzeitel (Jackie Faber), and their Mama to look at Motel and Tzeitel's baby. Yes, I'm making another weird face.


Yente the Matchmaker (Simone Welch) made a match for EVERYONE, even 10 year old girls! This is Bielke and Shprintze looking to see what Mama and Yente are talking about (both not pictured).


This is the "boys" discussion; see the lovely little boys we get paired with (5th grader Matt Benjamin and 7th grader Ben Post)? In this picture we still haven't realized what's happening and what the "grown-ups" are talking about.


We just realized that they're trying to pair us up with those little boys.


Looks of horror as the Russians enter the stage to talk to Papa about kicking us out of Anatevka.


Tevye's best line in the whole play, "Get off my land. This is still my home, my land. Get off my land." Very powerful, very powerful.


The news that we have to leave our home sinks in, and everyone goes to pack (Avrahm and a villager can be seen in this picture)


Singing the song, "Anatevka" my favorite song in the play (probably cause I only got to be a part of four songs! This is the best out of the four.) We're very sad about leaving.


Still singing. And I'm making funny faces again.


And that's all the pictures I have! Hope you enjoyed our walk across my memory! Now go out and rent the movie Fiddler on the Roof!